I saw that several more of the staves were broken away and the front of it had collapsed almost in its entirety.
All related terms of 'staves'
The staff of an organization are the people who work for it.
A stave is a strong stick, especially one that is used as a weapon .
any one of a number of long strips of wood joined together to form a barrel , bucket , boat hull , etc
stave off
If you stave off something bad, or if you stave it off , you succeed in stopping it happening for a while.
ground staff
The people who are paid to maintain a sports ground are called the ground staff .
hotel staff
the people who work in a hotel
Jacob's staff
a medieval instrument for measuring heights and distances
levelling rod
a graduated rod that is used to determine differences in elevation
levelling staff
a graduated rod that is used to determine differences in elevation
level staff
a graduated rod that is used to determine differences in elevation
counter staff
people who work behind the counter of a bank , post office, etc
domestic staff
household servants
general staff
officers assigned to advise commanders in the planning and execution of military operations
pastoral staff
of, characterized by, or depicting rural life, scenery , etc
personal staff
the aides of a general officer or a flag officer
skeleton staff
the minimum staff needed by a company during a time where most staff do not normally work, such as a holiday , weekend , etc
special staff
all staff officers assigned to headquarters of a division or higher unit who are not members of the general staff or personal staff
teaching staff
those members of staff in a school, college, or university who teach
telesales staff
the members of a company's staff that deal with telesales
Chief of Staff
The Chiefs of Staff are the most senior officers in each service of the armed forces.
headquarters staff
the people who work at the headquarters of an organization
managerial staff
staff in positions of management
member of staff
an employee of a particular organization
nonteaching staff
employees within an academic or vocational environment whose jobs do not involve teaching
The pastoral duties of a priest or other religious leader involve looking after the people he or she has responsibility for, especially by helping them with their personal problems .