Hard porn is pornography that shows sex in a detailed way, often violent or extreme sex.
soft porn
Soft porn is pornography that shows or describes sex , but not very violent or unpleasant sex, or not in a very detailed way .
mummy porn
a genre of erotic fiction designed to appeal to women
porn habit
A habit is something that you do often or regularly.
porn images
An image is a picture of someone or something.
property porn
a genre of escapist TV programmes, magazine features, etc, showing desirable properties for sale , esp those in idyllic rural locations , or in need of renovation, or both
revenge porn
an image or film with sexual content which is published , posted (eg on the internet ), or otherwise circulated without the consent of one or more of the participants, usually with malicious and vindictive intent , such as following a break-up
torture porn
a genre of horror films in which sadistic violence or torture is a central aspect of the plot
porn addiction
Addiction is the condition of taking harmful drugs and being unable to stop taking them.
hard-core porn
Hard-core porn is pornography that shows sex in a very detailed way, or shows very violent or unpleasant sex.