the abnormal accumulation of fat within a cell or organ
Also called: fatty degeneration
Examples of 'steatosis' in a sentence
Hepatic histology was suggestive of autoimmune hepatitis, without steatosis.
Andreia Ribeiro, José Ricardo Brandão, Esmeralda Cleto, Manuela Santos, Teresa Borges,Ermelinda Santos Silva 2019, 'Fatty Liver and Autoimmune Hepatitis: Two Forms of Liver Involvement in Lipodystrophies',GE: Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In 12-month-old males a diffuse hepatic steatosis was detected.
Daniele Stella M, Montenegro Silvana M, Tarres María C, Picena Juan C, Martinez StellaM 2010, 'The eSS rat, a nonobese model of disordered glucose and lipid metabolism and fattyliver', Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This was accompanied by extended centrilobular necrosis, steatosis, fibrosis and an altered ultrastructure of hepatocytes.
Marieta Costache, Anca Dinischiotu, Nicoleta Hadaruga, Ciprian-Valentin Mihali, MirunaStan, Aurel Ardelean, Cristina Popescu, Anca Hermenean 2012, 'Hepatoprotective Effects of <em>Berberis vulgaris</em> L. Extract/β Cyclodextrinon Carbon Tetrachloride–Induced Acute Toxicity in Mice', International Journal of Molecular Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Histological analysis identified extensive steatosis, inflammation, hepatocyte injury and fibrosis.
Briana Spolding, Timothy Connor, Carrie Wittmer, Lelia L F Abreu, Antony Kaspi, MarkZiemann, Gunveen Kaur, Adrian Cooper, Shona Morrison, Scott Lee, Andrew Sinclair,Yann Gibert, James L Trevaskis, Jonathon D Roth, Assam El-Osta, Richard Standish,Ken Walder 2014, 'Rapid development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in Psammomys obesus (Israeli sandrat).', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The overall prevalence of hepatic steatosis was 58%.
Goldin Robert D, Verma Sumita, Main Janice 2008, 'Hepatic steatosis in patients with HIV-Hepatitis C Virus coinfection: is it associatedwith antiretroviral therapy and more advanced hepatic fibrosis?', BMC Research Notes Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Advanced steatosis was defined as a score > 1.
Natalia Wasilewska, Anna Bobrus-Chociej, Ewa Harasim-Symbor, Eugeniusz Tarasów, MałgorzataWojtkowska, Adrian Chabowski, Dariusz M. Lebensztejn 2018, 'Increased serum concentration of ceramides in obese children with nonalcoholic fattyliver disease', Lipids in Health and Disease Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (