C16: from Spanish, from Old Spanish fijo dalgo nobleman, from Latin filius son + dē of + aliquid something
Hidalgo in British English
(hɪˈdælɡəʊ, Spanish iˈðalɣo)
a state of central Mexico: consists of a high plateau, with the Sierra Madre Oriental in the north and east; ancient remains of Teltec culture (at Tula); rich mineral resources. Capital: Pachuca. Pop: 2 231 392 (2000). Area: 20 987 sq km (8103 sq miles)
Hidalgo in American English
(hɪˈdælgoʊ; Spanish Mex iˈdɑlgɔ)
state of central Mexico: 8,103 sq mi (20,987 sq km); pop. 1,888,000; cap. Pachuca