A white knight is a person or an organization that rescues a company from difficulties such as financialproblems or an unwelcome takeover bid.
...a white-knight bid.
white knight in British English
a champion or rescuer, esp a person or organization that rescues a company from financial difficulties, an unwelcome takeover bid, etc
white knight in American English
a rescuer; specif., a company that prevents a takeover, viewed as unfavorable, of another company by offering better terms for a merger with it
Word origin
after a character in Carroll (sense 2)'s Through the Looking-Glass
white knight in Finance
(waɪt naɪt)
Word forms: (regular plural) white knights
(Finance: Investment)
A white knight is a person or an organization that rescues a company from financial difficulties.
They need to find a white knight to provide the $300m that the banks are demanding.
With the higher bid offered by the white knight, the predator might not remain interested in acquisition and hence the target companyis protected from the raid.
A white knight is a person or an organization that rescues a company from financial difficulties.
black knight
Examples of 'white knight' in a sentence
white knight
And with me dead, your last ally, your white knight, goes down the pipe.
Trenhalle, John A MEANS TO EVIL (2001)
"The satisfaction of being a white knight ," she shot back, embarrassed by the certainty that there was a flush climbing her cheeks.