Post-its or Post-it notes are small pieces of paper that are sticky on one side. You write a note on the other side and stick the paper onto a surface.
...stacks of CDs marked with yellow Post-its, one of which says "Lulu."
Post-it in British English
trademark another name for Post-it Note
Post-it in American English
small pieces of colored paper in a pad, each piece backed with a weak adhesive, suitable for attachment of notes to documents, which can be easily removed
a single piece of such paper
Examples of 'Post-it' in a sentence
Some of them had Post-it notes on the cover to flag up pages of interest.
Sue Welfare FALLEN WOMEN (2002)
He got the pillow and showed me a yellow Post-it note stuck to it that read `Father '.
Anita Anderson SUMMER OF SECRETS (2003)
There was a telephone number at the bottom of the Post-it note; Richard had written the Post-it note to himself, several weeks earlier.