Grigori Aleksandrovich (ɡriˈɡɔrij alɪkˈsandrəvitʃ). 1739–91, Russian soldier and statesman; lover of Catherine II, whose favourite he remained until his death, and who is reputed to have erected sham villages along the route of the Empress's 1787 tour of Crimea
apparently impressive but actually sham or artificial
North Korea's Potemkin hospital
Potemkin in American English
(poʊˈtɛmkɪn; pəˈtɛmkɪn; Russian pʌˈtjɔmkɪn)
Griˈgoˌri Aleˈksandroˌvich (gʀiˈgɔˌʀi ɑljɛkˈsɑndʀɔˌvɪtʃ) 1739-91; Russ. field marshal & statesman: favorite of Catherine the Great