combining form in adjective, combining form in countable noun
indicating a set of the number specified
Examples of 'tuple' in a sentence
These are generalizations from split graphs to p-tuple r-split graph.
Pirzada Shariefuddin, Chat Bilal Ahmad, Samee Uma Tul 2017, 'On multigraphic and potentially multigraphic sequences', Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Informatica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
What types of relation are most suitable for each n-tuple of contributors (e.g., identity, part-whole, or some other relation)?
Michail Peramatzis 2018, 'Aristotle's Hylomorphism: The Causal-Explanatory Model', Metaphysics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (