(ˈbɛləˌrʌs, -ˌrʊs), Byelorussia or Belorussia (ˌbjɛləʊˈrʌʃə, ˌbɛl-)
a republic in E Europe; populated by Slavic tribes from the 6th century; part of the Kievan Rus’ from 9th to 13th century; then partof the medieval Lithuanian and Polish empires before being acquired by Russia; a Soviet republic (1919–91); in 1997 formed a close political and economic union with Russia: mainly low-lying and forested. Official Languages: Belarussian and Russian. Religion: believers are mostly Orthodox Christian. Currency: rouble. Capital: Minsk. Pop: 9 468 338 (2017 est). Area: 207 600 sq km (80 134 sq miles)
Also called: Byelorussian Republic, Bielorussia, White Russia
Belarus in American English
country in central Europe: became independent upon the breakup of the U.S.S.R. (1991): 80,134 sq mi (207,546 sq km); pop. 10,152,000; cap. Minsk