Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense potters, present participle pottering, past tense, past participle pottered
countable noun
A potter is someone who makes pottery.
Phrasal verbs:
See potter around
More Synonyms of potter
potter in British English1
a person who makes pottery
potter in British English2
(ˈpɒtə) or especially US and Canadian putter
1. (intr; often foll by about or around)
to busy oneself in a desultory though agreeable manner
2. (intr; often foll by along or about)
to move with little energy or direction
to potter about town
3. (transitive; usually foll byaway)
to waste (time)
to potter the day away
the act of pottering
Derived forms
potterer (ˈpotterer) or especially US and Canadian putterer (ˈputterer)
Word origin
C16 (in the sense: to poke repeatedly): from Old English potian to thrust; see put
Potter in British English
(Helen) Beatrix. 1866–1943, British author and illustrator of children's animal stories, such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902)
Dennis (Christopher George). 1935–94, British dramatist. His TV plays include Pennies from Heaven (1978), The Singing Detective (1986), and Blackeyes (1989)
Paulus. 1625–54, Dutch painter, esp of animals
Stephen. 1900–70, British humorist and critic. Among his best-known works are Gamesmanship (1947) and One-Upmanship (1952), on the art of achieving superiority over others
Potter in American English
ˈBeaˌtrix (ˈbiəˌtrɪks) 1866-1943; Eng. writer & illustrator of children's books
potter in American English1
a person who makes earthenware pots, dishes, etc.
Word origin
ME < Late OE pottere < ML pottarius
potter in American English2
verb intransitive, verb transitive
Word origin
freq. formation < obs. pote < OE potian, to push
Examples of 'potter' in a sentence
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Could he potter around and enjoy life as much?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Could he potter around and enjoy life as much?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Then it potters around to little discernible purpose for another hour.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Step inside a greenhouse under those conditions and it makes pottering outdoors enjoyable again.
The Sun (2013)
Day trip or pottering about the house?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Some used it as an opportunity to potter around doing chores.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Both young potters are helping to put the game back on the map after years in the doldrums.
The Sun (2011)
You can comfortably potter around the town or village where you live or have some fun on the open road.
The Sun (2013)
It is formed into blocks then put into moulds or on a potter's wheel.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
They would like a reasonable amount of power, but will mainly be pottering about locally.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Then potter about in a fluffy robe and visit the gym, sauna and steam room.
The Sun (2013)
Over two days, we potter downstream.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
As he potters around the kitchen making tea and coffee, his arthritis is playing up.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Try to take it along open roads at a decent speed, rather than just pottering around town.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
He was pottering around the garden with a few cans and sort of went, just like that.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
I spent my week just pottering about.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
I loved just pottering around the country in it.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
I just like to potter round the kitchen making things.
The Sun (2014)
But the potter's wheel is widely deemed to have been the one that absolutely nailed it in the calming interlude department.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The average time spent pottering is 12 hours and 39 minutes a week.
The Sun (2009)
The film's potter's wheel scene became an iconic movie moment.
The Sun (2008)
He spends the rest of the time we're there pottering about, tidying stuff.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The more time I spend pottering about in my garden, the more it gives me back.
The Sun (2014)
All related terms of 'potter'
potter wasp
any of various solitary wasps of the genus Eumenes, which construct vaselike cells of mud or clay , in which they lay their eggs: family Vespidae
potter around
If you potter around or potter about , you do pleasant but unimportant things, without hurrying .
potter's clay
a clay that does not contain iron, suitable for making earthenware , stoneware , and porcelain
potter's earth
a clay that does not contain iron, suitable for making earthenware , stoneware , and porcelain
potter's field
a cemetery where poor or unidentified people are buried at the public expense
potter's wheel
A potter's wheel is a piece of equipment with a flat disc which spins round , on which a potter puts soft clay in order to shape it into a pot.
Chinese translation of 'potter'
陶工 (táogōng) (名, míng)
to potter around, potter about (Brit) 磨磨蹭蹭地做琐(瑣)事 (mómó cèngcèng de zuò suǒshì)
to potter around the house (Brit) 在房里(裡)闲(閒)逛 (zài fáng li xiánguàng)
Nearby words of
pots of money
Related terms of
to potter around, potter about
to potter around the house
to be busy in a pleasant but aimless way
She was pottering around in the garden.
mess about
fiddle (informal)
He fiddled with the radio dial.
Instead of admitting their error, they just tinkered with the problem.
She dabbled with politics at university.
footle (informal)
poke along
Additional synonyms
in the sense of dabble
to be involved in an activity in a superficial way
She dabbled with politics at university.
play (at or with),
toy (with),
tinker (with),
trifle (with),
flirt (with),
dip into,
fiddle (with),
dally (with),
scratch the surface of,
have a smattering of,
potter about or around or round with
in the sense of fiddle
He fiddled with the radio dial.
mess about or around
in the sense of tinker
to try to repair or improve (something) by making lots of minor adjustments
Instead of admitting their error, they just tinkered with the problem.