From today, traders will be able to buy and sell bitcoin using sterling.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Especially when you have the strength of character Sterling clearly possesses.
The Sun (2015)
The data worried investors, sending sterling tumbling.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
There were more sterling silver efforts too, yesterday.
The Sun (2012)
I would urge you to sell any sterling you might have.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The cost to banks of borrowing from one another for three months in dollars, euros and sterling rose again.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Inflation is being further fuelled by a sharp slide in the pound, although sterling has recovered a little ground over the past month.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Make sure you're comfortable as the running time can take its toll, but superb battle scenes and sterling performances make it worth watching.
The Sun (2008)
In other languages
British English: sterling /ˈstɜːlɪŋ/ NOUN
Sterling is the money system of Great Britain.
He paid for the goods in sterling.
American English: sterling
Arabic: الإِسْتِرلِينِي
Brazilian Portuguese: libra esterlina
Chinese: 英国货币
Croatian: funta
Czech: šterlink
Danish: sterling
Dutch: pond sterling
European Spanish: libra esterlina
Finnish: Ison-Britannian punta
French: sterling
German: Pfund Sterling
Greek: στερλίνα
Italian: sterlina
Japanese: 英貨
Korean: 파운드
Norwegian: sterling
Polish: funt szterling
European Portuguese: libra esterlina
Romanian: valută engleză
Russian: фунт стерлингов
Latin American Spanish: libra esterlina
Swedish: brittiska pund
Thai: สกุลเงินของสหราชอาณาจักรอังกฤษ
Turkish: sterlin
Ukrainian: стерлінг
Vietnamese: đồng bảng Anh
British English: sterling ADJECTIVE
Sterling means very good in quality; used to describe someone's work or character.
Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.
American English: sterling
Brazilian Portuguese: genuíno
Chinese: > 优秀的工作或品格
European Spanish: brillante
French: excellent
German: gediegen
Italian: pregevole
Japanese: すばらしい
Korean: 훌륭한
European Portuguese: genuíno
Latin American Spanish: brillante
All related terms of 'sterling'
sterling area
a group of mainly Commonwealth countries that used sterling as a medium of international payments and sometimes informally as a currency against which to peg their own currencies. For these purposes they deposited sterling balances and held gold and dollar reserves in the Bank of England
sterling bloc
a group of mainly Commonwealth countries that used sterling as a medium of international payments and sometimes informally as a currency against which to peg their own currencies. For these purposes they deposited sterling balances and held gold and dollar reserves in the Bank of England
pound sterling
the official name for the standard monetary unit of the United Kingdom
sterling silver
an alloy containing not less than 92.5 per cent of silver, the remainder usually being copper
Sterling Heights
city in SE Mich.: suburb of Detroit : pop. 124,000
The pound is the unit of money which is used in the UK. It is represented by the symbol £. One UK pound is divided into a hundred pence. Some other countries, for example Egypt, also have a unit of money called a pound .
the scheduled territories
a group of mainly Commonwealth countries that used sterling as a medium of international payments and sometimes informally as a currency against which to peg their own currencies. For these purposes they deposited sterling balances and held gold and dollar reserves in the Bank of England