( lift up ) 举(舉)起 jǔqǐ ⇒ The Englishman held up the rifle. → 英国人举起了手枪。 Yīngguórén jǔqǐle shǒuqiāng.
to hold one's head up
抬起头(頭) táiqǐ tóu
hold over
( postpone ) 推迟(遲) tuīchí
hold out
( hand ) 伸出 shēnchū ⇒ Sam held out his hand for the briefcase. → 山姆伸手拿公文包。 Shānmǔ shēnshǒu ná gōngwénbāo.
hold on to
( grasp ) 抓住 zhuāzhù ⇒ He had to hold on to the chair to steady himself. → 他不得不抓住椅子使自己站稳。 Tā bù dé bù zhuāzhù yǐzi shǐ zìjǐ zhànwěn.
hold on
( keep hold ) 抓牢 zhuāláo ⇒ The rope was wet, but Nancy held on. → 绳子湿了,但南希仍然牢牢地抓着。 Shéngzi shī le, dàn Nánxī réngrán láoláo de zhuāzhe.
hold off
( challenge ) 使不能接近 shǐ bùnéng jiējìn ⇒ Alesi drove magnificently, holding off the challenge from Berger. → 阿勒西开得棒极了,使伯杰不能接近。 Ālèxī kāi de bàng jí le, shǐ Bójié bùnéng jiējìn.
hold forth
滔滔不绝(絕)地讲(講) tāotāo bùjué de jiǎng ⇒ Jenkins was there, holding forth on his favourite subject. → 詹金斯在那儿,滔滔不绝地讲述他最喜欢的话题。 Zhānjīnsī zàinàr, tāotāo bùjué de jiǎngshù tā zuì xǐhuan de huàtí.
hold down
( restrain : person ) 把 ... 按倒在地上 bǎ ... àndǎo zài dìshang ⇒ It took three men to hold him down. → 要3个男人才把他按在地上。 Yào sān gè nánrén cái bǎ tā àn zài dìshang.
hold back
( person, progress ) 阻拦(攔) zǔlán ⇒ She's very ambitious, so don't try to hold her back. → 她很有野心,别阻拦她。 Tā hěn yǒu yěxīn, bié zǔlán tā.
hold against
▶ to hold sth against sb 因某事对(對)某人记(記)仇 yīn mǒushì duì mǒurén jìchóu ⇒ He lost the case, but never held it against me. → 他输了这场官司,但从未因此而记恨过我。 Tā shūle zhè chǎng guānsi, dàn cóngwèi yīn cǐ ér jìhèn guo wǒ.