ModL horizontalis < L horizon (gen. horizontis): see horizon
Synonyms of 'horizontal'
level, flat, plane, parallel
More Synonyms of horizontal
In other languages
British English: horizontal /ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl/ ADJECTIVE
Something that is horizontal is flat and parallel with the ground.
...vertical and horizontal lines.
American English: horizontal
Arabic: أُفُقِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: horizontal
Chinese: 水平的
Croatian: vodoravan
Czech: vodorovný
Danish: horisontal
Dutch: horizontaal
European Spanish: horizontal
Finnish: vaakasuora
French: horizontal
German: horizontal
Greek: οριζόντιος
Italian: orizzontale
Japanese: 水平な
Korean: 수평의
Norwegian: vannrett
Polish: poziomy
European Portuguese: horizontal
Romanian: orizontal
Russian: горизонтальный
Latin American Spanish: horizontal
Swedish: vågrät
Thai: แนวนอน
Turkish: yatay
Ukrainian: горизонтальний
Vietnamese: nằm ngang
All related terms of 'horizontal'
horizontal bar
a raised bar on which swinging and vaulting exercises are performed
horizontal rain
Rain is water that falls from the clouds in small drops .
horizontal well
A horizontal well is a well which has sections that have been drilled at more than 80 degrees from the vertical in order to penetrate a greater length of the reservoir .
horizontal union
→ craft union
horizontal drilling
Horizontal drilling is drilling in which the direction of the wellbore is more than 80 degrees from the vertical .
horizontal mobility
the movement of groups or individuals to positions that differ from those previously held but do not involve any change in class , status , or power
horizontal stabilizer
a small horizontal wing at the tail of an aircraft to provide longitudinal stability
a small horizontal wing at the tail of an aircraft to provide longitudinal stability
Chinese translation of 'horizontal'
水平的 (shuǐpíng de)
flat and level with the ground or with a line considered as a base