adjectiveWord forms: hotter or hottest1. having a relatively high temperature
2. having a temperature higher than desirable
3. causing or having a sensation of bodily heat
4. causing a burning sensation on the tongue
hot mustard
a hot curry
5. expressing or feeling intense emotion, such as embarrassment, anger, or lust
6. intense or vehement
a hot argument
7. recent; fresh; new
a hot trial
hot from the press
8. ball games (of a ball) thrown or struck hard, and so difficult to respond to
9. much favoured or approved
a hot tip
a hot favourite
10. informal having a dangerously high level of radioactivity
a hot laboratory
11. slang (of goods or money) stolen, smuggled, or otherwise illegally obtained
12. slang (of a person) being sought by the police
13. informal sexually attractive
14. (of a colour) intense; striking
hot pink
15. close or following closely
hot on the scent
16. (of a camera, microphone, etc) in operation
17. informal at a dangerously high electric potential
a hot terminal
18. physics having an energy level higher than that of the ground state
a hot atom
19. slang impressive or good of its kind (esp in the phrase not so hot)
20. jazz slang arousing great excitement or enthusiasm by inspired improvisation, strong rhythms, etc
21. informal dangerous or unpleasant (esp in the phrase make it hot for someone)
22. (in various searching or guessing games) very near the answer or object to be found
23. metallurgy (of a process) at a sufficiently high temperature for metal to be in a soft workable state
24. Australian and New Zealand informal (of a price, charge, etc) excessive
25. give it hot
26. hot on
27. hot under the collar
28. in hot water