the extent to which a drug or other substance is taken up by a specific tissue or organ afteradministration; the proportion of the dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation intact after administration by a route other than intravenous
Also called: systemic availability
Derived forms
bioavailable (ˌbioaˈvailable)
bioavailability in American English
the rate at which a drug, trace element, etc. enters the bloodstream and is circulated to specific organs or tissues
bioavailability in Chemical Engineering
(Chemical Engineering: Chemical waste management)
Bioavailability is the degree to which a pollutant can be taken up by a living thing.
These observations show that the presence of organic matter decreases the bioavailability and ecotoxicity of copper in the aquatic environment.
The study will investigate the bioavailability of heavy metals from polluted soils to plants.
Bioavailability is the degree to which a pollutant can be taken up by a living thing.
Word builderbio-The prefix bio- often appears in words connected with living organisms.