

单词 stock up

In other languages
stock up

British English: stock up /stɒk ʌp/ VERB
If you stock up with something or stock upon it, you buy a lot of it, in case you cannot get it later.
People are stocking up on fuel.
  • American English: stock up
  • Arabic: يُخَزِّنُ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: abastecer-se
  • Chinese: 囤积
  • Croatian: opskrbiti se
  • Czech: zásobit se
  • Danish: hamstre
  • Dutch: hamsteren
  • European Spanish: abastecerse
  • Finnish: varastoida
  • French: s’approvisionner
  • German: auffüllen Vorrat
  • Greek: αποθηκεύω
  • Italian: fare scorta
  • Japanese: 仕入れる
  • Korean: 채우다
  • Norwegian: lagre
  • Polish: zaopatrzyć się
  • European Portuguese: abastecer-se
  • Romanian: a face provizii
  • Russian: запасать(ся)
  • Latin American Spanish: abastecerse
  • Swedish: förnya lager
  • Thai: เก็บสำรองไว้
  • Turkish: depoyu doldurmak
  • Ukrainian: запасатися
  • Vietnamese: lưu kho

Chinese translation of 'stock up'

stock up


  1. to stock up (on or with sth) 储(儲)备(備)(某物) (chǔbèi (mǒuwù))
See stock




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