The United States of America is the official name for the country in North America that consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia. It is bordered by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The form United States is also used.
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
United Arab States
a federation (1958–61) between the United Arab Republic and Yemen
United States Army
the Regular Army of the United States
United States Navy
the naval branch of the United States armed forces
United Mexican States
a republic in North America, on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific : early Mexican history includes the Maya , Toltec , and Aztec civilizations ; conquered by the Spanish between 1519 and 1525 and achieved independence in 1821; lost Texas to the US in 1836 and California and New Mexico in 1848. It is generally mountainous with three ranges of the Sierra Madre (east, west, and south) and a large central plateau . Official language: Spanish. Religion : Roman Catholic majority . Currency : peso . Capital: Mexico City. Pop: 129 163 276 (2017 est). Area: 1 967 183 sq km (761 530 sq miles)
United States of America
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
United States Air Force
the aviation branch of the United States armed forces
Army of the United States
during WWII, the overall army forces of the U.S., including the Regular Army, the Organized Reserves , the National Guard , and Selective Service personnel
United States Marine Corps
a branch of the United States armed forces trained for land, sea, and aerial combat , responsible especially for amphibious operations : a separate service within the Department of the Navy
United States Army Special Forces
Chief Justice of the United States
the presiding judge of the U.S. Supreme Court
National Guard of the United States
those members and units of the National Guard that have been accorded federal recognition as a reserve component of the Army or Air Force of the U.S.
Virgin Islands of the United States
a territory of the US in the Caribbean , consisting of islands west and south of the British Virgin Islands: purchased from Denmark in 1917 for their strategic importance . Capital: Charlotte Amalie. Pop: 104 737 (2013 est). Area: 344 sq km (133 sq miles)
The USA is an abbreviation for the United States of America .