The absorptionof a liquid, gas, or other substance is the process of it being soaked up or taken in.
This controls the absorption of liquids.
Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from food. [+ of]
Synonyms: soaking up, consumption, digestion, sucking up More Synonyms of absorption
2. uncountable noun [usually with poss]
The absorption of a group into a larger group is the process of it becoming part of the larger group.
Two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.
Synonyms: assimilation, integration, inclusion, fusion More Synonyms of absorption
3. uncountable noun [poss Nin/with n]
Someone's absorptionin something is the fact that they are very interested in it and that it takes up all their attention and energy.
He was struck by the artists' total absorption in their work.
Synonyms: immersion, holding, involvement, concentration More Synonyms of absorption
absorption in British English
(əbˈsɔːpʃən, -ˈzɔːp-)
the process of absorbing or the state of being absorbed
2. physiology
normal assimilation by the tissues of the products of digestion
the passage of a gas, fluid, drug, etc, through the mucous membranes or skin
3. physics
a reduction of the intensity of any form of radiated energy as a result of energy conversion in a medium, such as the conversion of sound energy into heat
4. immunology
the process of removing superfluous antibodies or antigens from a mixture using a reagent
Derived forms
absorptive (abˈsorptive)
Word origin
C16: from Latin absorptiōn-, from absorbēre to absorb
absorption in American English
(æbˈsɔrpʃən; æbˈzɔrpʃən; əbˈzɔrpʃən; əbˈsɔrpʃən)
an absorbing or being absorbed
the fact or state of being much interested or engrossed
3. Biology
the passing of nutrient material, medication, etc. into or through tissues, as the intestinal walls, the blood, etc.
4. Physics
a taking in and not reflecting, as of radiant energy
partial loss in energy of light, radio waves, etc. passing through a medium
Absorption is a method of separating a liquid from the vapor which it is trapped in.
Absorption can be used to separate different components in a liquid phase from other components.
The removal of one or more selected components from a mixture of gases by absorption into a suitable solvent is one of the common operations of chemical engineering.
Absorption is a method of separating a liquid from the vapor which it is trapped in.
absorption in the Pharmaceutical Industry
(Pharmaceutical: Physiology)
Absorption is the process by which substances are taken into a tissue, for example, nutrients through the wall of the intestine.
The absorption of nutrients takes place in sections of the small intestine.
A topical application involves the absorption of a drug through the skin.
Absorption is the process by which substances are taken into a tissue, for example, nutrientsthrough the wall of the intestine.
Examples of 'absorption' in a sentence
Being naked helps the immune system by aiding Vitamin D absorption and reducing the risk of infection and skin complaints.
The Sun (2016)
Both of these are dependent on the presence of magnesium for their normal absorption.
Budd, Martin Diets to Help Diabetes (1983)
The aim is to make the stomach smaller and reduce the absorption of food.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The result is a delayed or reduced absorption of these drugs.
Pantano, James A. (MD) Living with Angina (1991)
Tea has the added disadvantage of reducing your absorption of iron.
Lamplugh, Diana & Sterwin, Diana & Nottidge, Pamela Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well (1989)
Damage here could affect absorption of food.
Hanssen, Maurice & Marsden, Jill E For Additives (1987)
Orange and apple juice can also reduce drug absorption.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Iron absorption is enhanced by including meat in the diet.
Stanway, Dr Andrew Miracle Micronutrients (1987)
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies It is known that these drugs block the absorption of zinc.
Trickett, Shirley Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills (1991)
Important for healthy skin, immune system and helps absorption of iron.
The Sun (2007)
Just as the refining of food affects its absorption, so processing and cooking may reduce the food value.
Budd, Martin Diets to Help Diabetes (1983)
His total absorption in politics.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
When it comes to skin care products, insufficient information is available on just how real the possibility of skin absorption is.
Brumberg, Elaine Take Care of Your Skin (1990)
It's also interesting that zinc and iron absorption are inhibited especially by tea and to a lesser extent by coffee drinking.
Stanway, Dr Andrew Miracle Micronutrients (1987)
It is easy to understand this when you think of energy absorption as a tree growing, or energy release as a log burning.
Radford, Tim & Leggett, Jeremy The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium (1990)
Vitamin C is vital for collagen and iron absorption.
The Sun (2015)
Add some grilled tomatoes with vitamin C to aid absorption of iron for extra energy.
The Sun (2010)
Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from vegetables but reduces it from meat and decreases copper absorption.
Mayes, Adrienne The Dictionary of Nutritional Health (1986)
Many M. E. patients have problems with digestion and absorption of food.
MacIntyre, Anne M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It (1989)
If you or your doctor think you have poor absorption of food due to lack of digestive enzymes, then taking a preparation of these makes sense.
MacIntyre, Anne M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It (1989)
Remember to wait, though, until you have some food in your stomach as food slows the absorption of alcohol.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Because iron is so poorly absorbed, efforts have been made with certain iron tablets to mimic the body's iron absorption mechanism.
Stanway, Dr Andrew Miracle Micronutrients (1987)
Try also to get more vitamin C, which aids iron absorption.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
As suggested above, increased use of vitamin C at mealtimes enhances iron absorption.
Chaitow, Leon The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes (1988)
Drugs that affect food absorption While foods can mess up the action of some medications, certain drugs can interfere with the absorption of some nutrients.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
If you want to explain the effects of volcanic dust, you have to quantify both the dust's scattering of sunlight and its absorption of solar energy.
Levenson, Thomas Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth (1990)
In other languages
British English: absorption NOUN
The absorption of a liquid, gas, or other substance is the process of it being soaked up or taken in.
This controls the absorption of liquids.
American English: absorption
Brazilian Portuguese: absorção
Chinese: 吸收
European Spanish: absorción
French: absorption
German: Aufnahme
Italian: assorbimento
Japanese: 吸収
Korean: 흡수
European Portuguese: absorção
Latin American Spanish: absorción
All related terms of 'absorption'
preoccupation with oneself to the exclusion of others or the outside world
absorption costing
a method of cost accounting in which overheads are apportioned to cost centres, where they are absorbed using predetermined rates
absorption spectrum
the characteristic pattern of dark lines or bands that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is passed through an absorbing medium into a spectroscope . An equivalent pattern occurs as coloured lines or bands in the emission spectrum of that medium
a measure of the ability of an object to absorb radiation , equal to the ratio of the absorbed radiant flux to the incident flux. For a layer of material the ratio of the flux absorbed between the entry and exit surfaces of the layer to the flux leaving the entry surface is the internal absorptance
dark nebula
a type of nebula that is observed by its blocking of radiation from other sources
1 (noun)
the process by which nutrients enter the tissues of an animal or a plant
Vitamin C increases absorption of iron.
soaking up
Liquids served with meals interfere with digestion.
sucking up
2 (noun)
the process of absorbing something or the state of being absorbed
Two new resorts were built for the absorption of tourists.
There is little integration of our work and no single focus.
a confident performance which justified his inclusion in the team
the fusion of regular and reserve forces
the incorporation of two airlines into one
The organization was formed by an amalgamation of two groups.
3 (noun)
the process of absorbing something or the state of being absorbed
He was struck by the artists' total absorption in their work.
long-term assignments that allowed them total immersion in their subjects
His talking kept breaking my concentration.
He kept sinking back into gloomy preoccupation.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of amalgamation
The organization was formed by an amalgamation of two groups.