Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense hurts, present participle hurting, past tense, past participle hurt
1. verb
If you hurtyourself or hurt a part of your body, you feel pain because you have injured yourself.
Yasin had seriously hurt himself while trying to escape from the police. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
He had hurt his back in an accident. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: injure, damage, wound, cut More Synonyms of hurt
2. verb
If a part of your body hurts, you feel pain there.
His collar bone only hurt when he lifted his arm. [VERB]
Synonyms: ache, be sore, be painful, burn More Synonyms of hurt
3. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If you are hurt, you have been injured.
His comrades asked him if he was hurt.
They were dazed but did not seem to be badly hurt.
Synonyms: injured, wounded, damaged, harmed More Synonyms of hurt
4. verb
If you hurt someone, you cause them to feel pain.
I didn't mean to hurt her, only to keep her still. [VERB noun]
You're hurting my arm. [VERB noun]
Ouch. That hurt. [VERB]
5. verb
If someone hurts you, they say or do something that makes you unhappy.
He is afraid of hurting Bessy's feelings. [VERB noun]
She's afraid she's going to be hurt and that she'll never fall in love again. [VERB noun]
What hurts most is the betrayal, the waste. [VERB]
6. adjective
If you are hurt, you are upset because of something that someone has said or done.
Yes, I was hurt, jealous.
He gave me a slightly hurt look.
Synonyms: upset, pained, injured, wounded More Synonyms of hurt
7. verb [only cont]
If you say that you are hurting, you mean that you are experiencing emotional pain.
I am lonely and I am hurting. [VERB]
8. verb
To hurt someone or something means to have a bad effect on them or prevent them from succeeding.
The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries. [VERB noun]
The planned closures will really hurt the local economies. [VERB noun]
9. variable noun
A feeling of hurt is a feeling that you have when you think that you have been treated badly or judged unfairly.
...feelings of hurt and anger, fear and despair.
I was full of jealousy and hurt.
There would be a hurt in her heart for a while, but in the end she would get overit.
Synonyms: distress, suffering, pain, grief More Synonyms of hurt
See it won't hurt/it never hurts
More Synonyms of hurt
hurt in British English1
verbWord forms: hurts, hurting or hurt
to cause physical pain to (someone or something)
to cause emotional pain or distress to (someone)
to produce a painful sensation in (someone)
the bruise hurts
4. (intransitive) informal
to feel pain
physical, moral, or mental pain or suffering
a wound, cut, or sore
damage or injury; harm
injured or pained physically or emotionally
a hurt knee
a hurt look
Derived forms
hurter (ˈhurter)
Word origin
C12 hurten to hit, from Old French hurter to knock against, probably of Germanic origin; compare Old Norse hrūtr ram, Middle High German hurt a collision
hurt in British English2
(hɜːt) or whort (hwɜːt)
Southern England dialect another name for whortleberry
hurt in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: hurt or ˈhurting
to cause physical pain or injury to; wound
to harm or damage in some way; be bad for
to cause mental distress or pain to; wound the feelings of; offend
verb intransitive
to cause injury, damage, or pain
to give or have the sensation of pain; be sore
a leg that hurts
to be a source of inconvenience, difficulty, or trouble
the act or an instance of hurting; pain, injury, or wound
harm, wrong, or damage
something that wounds the feelings
injured; damaged
Word origin
ME hurten, to knock, hurt < OFr hurter, to push, thrust, hit, prob. < Frank *hurt, a thrust, blow (as by a ram); akin to ON hrūtr, a ram
More idioms containing
someone wouldn't hurt a fly
Examples of 'hurt' in a sentence
No one else was badly hurt and cops brought no charges.
The Sun (2016)
It has to stop before she gets hurt.
The Sun (2016)
No wonder you feel hurt and low.
The Sun (2016)
Yet there was so much anger and hurt within signed me.
The Sun (2016)
The censorship aims to stop feelings being hurt.
The Sun (2016)
We look towards a way forward from the harm and hurt that has so often been done in the name of the church.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I have been slightly hurt.
The Sun (2016)
Together they add up to having the means and the mentality to persist in the face of failure, fear, hurt and opposition.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
She'd be so upset and hurt if she knew what I was doing.
The Sun (2017)
She doesn't want anyone else to be hurt, damaged or in despair because of vile comments spewing from the phones and computers of trolls.
The Sun (2016)
It brings together perpetrator and victim to address the hurt and harm caused by the crime.
The Sun (2011)
Say sorry for hurting her and tell her she deserves better than you.
The Sun (2011)
Turning your hurt and anger on one another is not uncommon after such loss.
The Sun (2015)
She maybe feared getting hurt the same way.
The Sun (2013)
You cannot raise taxes and cut spending without hurting growth.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
You are sure to end up getting hurt.
The Sun (2009)
He is particularly hurt by some wounding reviews and the amount of hostile press coverage he receives.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
She has hurt you and damaged your trust.
The Sun (2015)
We will feel hurt if friends let us down or reject us.
Munro, Bill Dr. & Munro, Frances Beat Stress (1992)
Your husband needs to accept this and stop trying to minimise the hurt he caused.
The Sun (2009)
You opened yourself up to the possibility of intimacy and got badly hurt in the process.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We will bring hurt and pain into your life.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Do his feelings get hurt by the personal comments?
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
She held herself well but there was a hurt look to her back.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
You could tell she was really hurt and upset.
The Sun (2013)
Many of his last messages were so full of hurt and despair.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Perhaps the most common obstacle is fear of emotional hurt.
Christianity Today (2000)
You can repair hurt feelings at home.
The Sun (2007)
Were you hurt or just embarrassed?
The Sun (2011)
The bare floor hurt his knees.
Zindell, David The Broken God (1993)
Perhaps you have been hurt emotionally and this is a way of feeling powerful and getting a thrill without risking getting involved.
The Sun (2009)
My daughter would come to see me and was jealous and hurt that we didn't have a good relationship.
Jackson, Rosie Mothers who Leave (1994)
In other languages
British English: hurt /hɜːt/ ADJECTIVE
If you are hurt, you have been injured.
How badly are you hurt?
American English: hurt
Arabic: مَجْرُوحٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: machucado
Chinese: 受伤害的
Croatian: povrijeđen
Czech: zraněný
Danish: såret
Dutch: gewond
European Spanish: herido
Finnish: loukkaantunut
French: blessé
German: verletzt Emotion/Verletzung
Greek: πληγωμένος
Italian: ferito
Japanese: 傷ついた
Korean: 다친
Norwegian: skadet
Polish: zraniony
European Portuguese: magoado
Romanian: rănit
Russian: пострадавший
Latin American Spanish: herido
Swedish: sårad
Thai: ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
Turkish: incinmiş
Ukrainian: травмований
Vietnamese: đau đớn
British English: hurt /hɜːt/ VERB
If you hurt yourself or hurt a part of your body, you feel pain because you have injured yourself.
He hurt himself while playing basketball.
American English: hurt
Arabic: يُؤْذِي
Brazilian Portuguese: machucar
Chinese: 伤害
Croatian: ozlijediti
Czech: zranit
Danish: skade
Dutch: pijn doen
European Spanish: hacer daño dolor
Finnish: satuttaa
French: blesser
German: verletzen
Greek: πληγώνω
Italian: ferire
Japanese: 傷つける
Korean: (...을) 다치게 하다
Norwegian: skade
Polish: zranić
European Portuguese: magoar
Romanian: a răni
Russian: причинять боль
Latin American Spanish: hacer daño
Swedish: göra illa
Thai: ทำให้บาดเจ็บ
Turkish: incitmek
Ukrainian: ушкоджувати
Vietnamese: làm đau
All related terms of 'hurt'
a small Eurasian ericaceous shrub, Vaccinium myrtillus , greenish-pink flowers and edible sweet blackish berries
hurt pride
Pride is a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself.
hurt opponents
In a sporting contest , your opponent is the person who is playing against you.
someone wouldn't hurt a fly
said to mean that someone is very kind and gentle
it won't hurt/it never hurts
If you say ' It won't hurt to do something' or ' It never hurts to do something', you are recommending an action which you think is helpful or useful .