The president of a country that has no king or queen is the person who is the head of state of that country.
...President Zuma.
The White House says the president would veto the bill.
Synonyms: head of state, chief of state More Synonyms of president
2. countable noun
The president of an organization is the person who has the highest position in it.
Research and marketing operations will the job of the president of the new company.
...Alexandre de Merode, the president of the medical commission. [+ of]
Synonyms: chairperson, director, chief executive (officer), managing director More Synonyms of president
president in British English
1. (often capital)
the chief executive or head of state of a republic, esp of the US
(in the US) the chief executive officer of a company, corporation, etc
a person who presides over an assembly, meeting, etc
the chief executive officer of certain establishments of higher education
Derived forms
presidential (ˌprɛzɪˈdɛnʃəl)
presidentially (ˌpresiˈdentially)
presidentship (ˈpresidentˌship)
Word origin
C14: via Old French from Late Latin praesidens ruler; see preside
president in American English
(ˈprɛzɪdənt; ˈprɛzɪˌdɛnt)
1. US
the highest executive officer of a company, society, university, club, etc.
2. [oftenP-]
the chief executive of a republic having no prime minister
in parliamentary governments, the formal head, usually the presiding member of the legislative assembly or council
any presiding officer
Derived forms
presidential (ˌpresiˈdential) (ˈprɛzəˈdɛnʃəl)
presidentially (ˌpresiˈdentially)
Word origin
ME < MFr < L praesidens < prp. of praesidere: see preside
Examples of 'president' in a sentence
The whole point is that a new president should have a fresh team that share his outlook.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Austrian voters will elect a new president next month.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He will not have much trouble getting in the side - as he is also club president.
The Sun (2016)
The company 's president is already in jail on corruption charges.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We should reach out and offer to work closely with the new President of our oldest ally.
The Sun (2016)
He was president of which country from 1982 to 1990?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Modern French presidents have all been elected on the back of a pledge to restore the nation's economic health through painless reforms.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It should have been the triumphant homecoming of a hero, the preamble to a glorious new career as his country 's next president.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
What is important is not to be rich or famous or president or king.
Christianity Today (2000)
Your country has newly won its independence and you have become president.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Not many people get knighted and become president in such a short period!
The Sun (2016)
No new president is going to waste his time on a leader who might be out of office in months.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
But any new president would wish to defer it to avoid making tough choices in his first year in office.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
As a former president of the republic, he could not.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The airline's new president will obviously want to stay close to the action.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Be president of your company?
Kiam, Victor Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur (1986)
Then they gave me a precise prescription for how to reorganise the company into two units, with a president heading each.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
He had joined a small company of three presidents who had succeeded through death and subsequently been re-elected in their own right.
Jenkins, Roy Truman (1986)
This documentary on the problems facing the president of the republic as he comes up for re-election was timely and surprisingly interesting.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
When her husband took over as vice president in 1977 she began advising Carter.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Future chief executives, presidents, and world leaders sit before you.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
No one blamed the father, the king, the president for mistreatment by his minions.
Charles Glass The Tribes Triumphant (2006)
Many of the French president's domestic critics would sympathise with that view.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It has an elected president of the republic, whose tenure is limited to two consecutive four-year terms.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They note how the No 10 operation is small compared to the offices of most presidents and heads of government.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
In other languages
British English: president /ˈprɛzɪdənt/ NOUN
The president of a country that has no king or queen is the person who is the head of state of that country.
The president vetoed the bill.
American English: president
Arabic: رَئِيس
Brazilian Portuguese: presidente
Chinese: 总统
Croatian: predsjednik
Czech: prezident
Danish: præsident
Dutch: president
European Spanish: presidente gobierno
Finnish: presidentti
French: président
German: Präsident
Greek: πρόεδρος
Italian: presidente
Japanese: 大統領
Korean: 대통령
Norwegian: president
Polish: prezydent
European Portuguese: presidente
Romanian: președinte
Russian: президент
Latin American Spanish: presidente
Swedish: president
Thai: ประธานาธิบดี
Turkish: başkan şirket
Ukrainian: президент
Vietnamese: chủ tịch
All related terms of 'president'
a person who shares the highest position in an organization with another person
a former chief executive or head of state of a republic
class president
the student president of a school or college class
dead president
a banknote
life president
the president of a club , society , etc, who will remain president until death
The president-elect is the person who has been elected as the president of an organization or country , but who has not yet taken office.
vice president
an officer ranking immediately below a president and serving as his or her deputy . A vice president takes the president's place during his or her absence or incapacity , after his or her death , and in certain other circumstances
minority president
(in the US) a president who has been elected by the largest number of votes cast but not by a majority of the electorate
executive president
a president in certain systems of government who possesses wide powers
Lord President of the Council
(in Britain) the cabinet minister who presides at meetings of the Privy Council
Executive Office of the President
→ the Executive Office of the President
President of the Board of Trade
a title held by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation , and Skills