Surprisingly, we also observe the widespread appearance of presynaptically derived "debris" during normal synaptic growth.
Yuly Fuentes-Medel, Mary A Logan, James Ashley, Bulent Ataman, Vivian Budnik, MarcR Freeman 2009, 'Glia and muscle sculpt neuromuscular arbors by engulfing destabilized synaptic boutonsand shed presynaptic debris.', PLoS Biology Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The former, acting presynaptically, may provide a "brake" to prevent vagal overactivity.
Ballal Mansour, Sanford Paul 1999, 'The physiology of the biliary tree. Motility of the gallbladder - Part 1', The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology;year=1999;volume=5;issue=3;spage=93;epage=105;aulast=Ballal. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (