单词 | strak |
释义 | strak in British English (stræk) verb an archaic past tense of strike strike in British English (straɪk) verbWord forms: strikes, striking or struck 1. to deliver (a blow or stroke) to (a person) 2. to come or cause to come into sudden or violent contact (with) 3. (transitive) to make an attack on 4. to produce (fire, sparks, etc) or (of fire, sparks, etc) to be produced by ignition 5. to cause (a match) to light by friction or (of a match) to be lighted 6. to press (the key of a piano, organ, etc) or to sound (a specific note) in this or a similar way 7. to indicate (a specific time) by the sound of a hammer striking a bell or by any other percussive sound 8. (of a venomous snake) to cause injury by biting 9. (transitive) to affect or cause to affect deeply, suddenly, or radically, as if by dealing a blow her appearance struck him as strange I was struck on his art 10. Word forms: past participle struck or stricken (tr; passive; usually foll by with) to render incapable or nearly so she was stricken with grief 11. (transitive) to enter the mind of it struck me that he had become very quiet 12. Word forms: past participle struck or stricken to render I was struck dumb 13. (transitive) to be perceived by; catch the glint of metal struck his eye 14. to arrive at or come upon (something), esp suddenly or unexpectedly to strike the path for home to strike upon a solution 15. (intransitive; sometimes foll by out) to set (out) or proceed, esp upon a new course to strike for the coast 16. (tr; usually passive) to afflict with a disease, esp unexpectedly he was struck with polio when he was six 17. (transitive) to discover or come upon a source of (ore, petroleum, etc) 18. (transitive) (of a plant) to produce or send down (a root or roots) 19. (transitive) to take apart or pack up; break (esp in the phrase strike camp) 20. (transitive) to take down or dismantle (a stage set, formwork, etc) 21. (transitive) nautical a. to lower or remove (a specified piece of gear) b. to haul down or dip (a flag, sail, etc) in salute or in surrender c. to lower (cargo, etc) into the hold of a ship 22. to attack (an objective) with the intention of causing damage to, seizing, or destroying it 23. to impale the hook in the mouth of (a fish) by suddenly tightening or jerking the line after the bait or fly has been taken 24. (transitive) to form or impress (a coin, metal, etc) by or as if by stamping 25. to level (a surface) by use of a flat board 26. (transitive) to assume or take up (an attitude, posture, etc) 27. (intransitive) (of workers in a factory, etc) to cease work collectively as a protest against working conditions, low pay, etc 28. (transitive) to reach by agreement to strike a bargain 29. (transitive) to form (a jury, esp a special jury) by cancelling certain names among those nominated for jury service until only the requisite number remains See also special jury30. (transitive) rowing to make (a certain number of strokes) per minute Oxford were striking 38 31. to make a stroke or kick in swimming 32. (transitive) (in Malaysia) to win (a lottery or raffle) 33. strike home 34. strike it lucky 35. strike it rich noun 36. an act or instance of striking 37. a cessation of work by workers in a factory, industry, etc, as a protest against working conditionsor low pay the workers are on strike again 38. a military attack, esp an air attack on a surface target air strike 39. baseball a pitched ball judged good but missed or not swung at, three of which cause a batter to be out 40. Also called: ten-strike tenpin bowling a. the act or an instance of knocking down all the pins with the first bowl of a single frame b. the score thus made Compare spare (sense 17)41. a sound made by striking 42. the mechanism that makes a clock strike 43. the discovery of a source of ore, petroleum, etc 44. the horizontal direction of a fault, rock stratum, etc, which is perpendicular to the direction of the dip 45. angling the act or an instance of striking 46. the number of coins or medals made at one time 47. another name for strickle (sense 1) 48. informal an unexpected or complete success, esp one that brings financial gain 49. take strike Derived forms strikeless (ˈstrikeless) adjective Word origin Old English strīcan; related to Old Frisian strīka to stroke, Old High German strīhhan to smooth, Latin stria furrow |
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