ModL < hyper- + Gr pnoē, breathing < pnein, to breathe: see pneuma
hyperpnea in American English
(ˌhaipərpˈniə, ˌhaipərˈniə)
abnormally deep or rapid respiration
Also: hyperpnoea
Word origin
[1855–60; ‹ NL, equiv. to hyper-hyper- + -pnea-pnea]This word is first recorded in the period 1855–60. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: boilerplate, kickoff, lavabo, specialist, superheathyper- is a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “over,” usually implyingexcess or exaggeration (hyperbole). On this model, hyper- is used, especially as opposed to hypo-, in the formation of compound words (hyperthyroid). Other words that use the affix hyper- include: hypercharge, hypercorrection, hyperkinesia, hyperopia, hyperparathyroidism
Examples of 'hyperpnea' in a sentence
In recent admission, she presented to emergency room with fever, hyperpnea, and apnea.
Majid Malaki, Masood Nemati, Maryam Shoaran 2012, 'Joubert syndrome presenting as unilateral dysplastic kidney, hypotonia, and respiratoryproblem', Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation;year=2012;volume=23;issue=2;spage=325;epage=329;aulast=Malaki. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The experimental group (n = 10) trained their respiratory muscles via 20, 45 min sessions of hyperpnea.
Holm Paige, Sattler Angela, Fregosi Ralph F 2004, 'Endurance training of respiratory muscles improves cycling performance in fit youngcyclists', BMC Physiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The electroencephalograms were made with the patients awake (rest and hyperpnea) and sleeping (slow phase), the findings being compared.
Rosa Helena Longo, José Geraldo Camargo Lima 1973, 'O sono como ativador do eletrencefalograma nos pacientes epilépticos The sleep asan activator on epileptic patient's electroencephalogram', Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (