verb (prɪˈzɛnt) (mainly tr)1. to introduce (a person) to another, esp to someone of higher rank
2. to introduce to the public
to present a play
3. to introduce and compere (a radio or television show)
4. to show; exhibit
he presented a brave face to the world
5. to put forward; submit
she presented a proposal for a new book
6. to bring or suggest to the mind
to present a problem
7. to give or award
to present a prize
8. to endow with or as if with a gift or award
to present a university with a foundation scholarship
9. to offer formally
to present one's compliments
10. to offer or hand over for action or settlement
to present a bill
11. to represent or depict in a particular manner
the actor presented Hamlet as a very young man
12. to salute someone with (one's weapon) (usually in the phrase present arms)
13. to aim or point (a weapon)
14. to nominate (a member of clergy) to a bishop for institution to a benefice in the bishop's diocese
15. to lay (a charge, etc) before a court, magistrate, etc, for consideration or trial
16. to bring a formal charge or accusation against (a person); indict
17. mainly US (of a grand jury) to take notice of (an offence) from personal knowledge or observation, before any bill of indictment has been drawn up
18. (intransitive) medicine to seek treatment for a particular symptom or problem
she presented with postnatal depression
19. (intransitive) informal to produce a favourable, etc impression
she presents well in public
he presents as harmless but has poisoned his family
20. present oneself