

单词 streetwise

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Examples of 'streetwise' in a sentence

She is a very streetwise young woman.There are horses in it who are a lot more streetwise.He should be a lot more streetwise now and we expect him to get the job done.Players tend to mellow and become a bit more streetwise as they get older.He is a bit more streetwise.It was all about how savvy, streetwise and urban you could be.We should have been a lot more streetwise and also grasped a lot more what it meant and what an opportunity it was.

In other languages

British English: streetwise /ˈstriːtˌwaɪz/ ADJECTIVE
Someone who is streetwise knows how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations in big cities.
I was a cocky, streetwise kid.
  • American English: streetwise
  • Arabic: مُحَنَّك
  • Brazilian Portuguese: malandro
  • Chinese: 善于在城市生活的
  • Croatian: snalazi se na asfaltu
  • Czech: protřelý ve městě
  • Danish: gadevant
  • Dutch: door de wol geverfd
  • European Spanish: espabilado
  • Finnish: katuelämää tunteva
  • French: débrouillard
  • German: gerissen
  • Greek: έμπειρος από τη ζωή
  • Italian: sveglio
  • Japanese: 世慣れた
  • Korean: 도시 물정에 밝은
  • Norwegian: storbyvant
  • Polish: cwaniacki
  • European Portuguese: desenrascado
  • Romanian: de cartier
  • Russian: опытный знающий принципы выживания в большом городе
  • Latin American Spanish: espabilado
  • Swedish: gatusmart
  • Thai: ซึ่งเอาตัวรอดได้ในสังคมเมือง
  • Turkish: sokaklarda büyümüş
  • Ukrainian: досвідчений
  • Vietnamese: bụi đời





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