Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles. [+ of]
He threw it forward with all his strength.
You don't need strength to take part in this sport.
He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue.
Synonyms: might, muscle, brawn, sinew More Synonyms of strength
2. uncountable noun
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage.
Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty.
His strength is an inspiration to me in my life.
I think she showed great strength of character in turning down such a lucrative offer.
You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself. [+ of]
Synonyms: will, spirit, resolution, resolve More Synonyms of strength
3. uncountable noun
The strength of an object or material is its ability to be treated roughly, or to carry heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed.
He checked the strength of the cables. [+ of]
...the properties of a material, such as strength or electrical conductivity.
Synonyms: toughness, soundness, robustness, sturdiness More Synonyms of strength
4. uncountable noun
The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have.
America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength thatgoes with it.
He urged followers to mass for a decisive show of strength the next day.
They have their own independence movement which is gathering strength.
Synonyms: power, influence, dominance, clout [informal] More Synonyms of strength
5. uncountable noun
If you refer to the strengthof a feeling, opinion, or belief, you are talking about how deeply it is felt or believed by people, or how much they are influenced by it.
He was surprised at the strength of his own feeling. [+ of]
...the Civil War and the strength of feeling it had engendered among the Spanishpeople.
What makes a mayor successful in Los Angeles is the strength of his public support. [+ of]
Synonyms: force, power, intensity, energy More Synonyms of strength
6. variable noun
Someone's strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful.
Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses.
Vision and ambition are his great strengths.
Tact was never Mr Moore's strength.
Organisation is the strength of any good army. [+ of]
The book's strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo.
Synonyms: strong point, skill, asset, advantage More Synonyms of strength
7. uncountable noun
If you refer to the strength of a currency, economy, or industry, you mean that its value or success is steady or increasing.
...the long-term competitive strength of the economy. [+ of]
The drop was caused partly by the pound's strength against the dollar.
8. uncountable noun
The strength of a group of people is the total number of people in it.
...elite forces, comprising about one-tenth of the strength of the army. [+ of]
Synonyms: size, extent, magnitude, greatness More Synonyms of strength
9. uncountable noun
The strength of a wind, current, or other force is its power or speed.
Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field.
A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic.
10. uncountable noun
The strength of a drink, chemical, or drug is the amount of the particular substance in it that gives it its particulareffect.
Try decaffeinated or lower strength tea and coffee products as well as herbal teas.
Each capsule contains 30 -100 mg according to the strength of dose required. [+ of]
What's the scale that's used to compare the strength of acids and alkalis?
11. uncountable noun
You can talk about the strength of a flavour, smell, colour, sound, or light to describe how intense or easily noticed it is.
The cheese is matured for 5-12 months depending on the strength of flavour required. [+ of]
See go from strength to strength
See full strength
See in strength
See on the strength of
See under/below strength
More Synonyms of strength
strength in British English
the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong
the ability to withstand or exert great force, stress, or pressure
something that is regarded as being beneficial or a source of power
their chief strength is technology
potency, as of a drink, drug, etc
power to convince; cogency
the strength of an argument
degree of intensity or concentration of colour, light, sound, flavour, etc
the full or part of the full complement as specified
at full strength
below strength
8. finance
firmness of or a rising tendency in prices, esp security prices
9. archaic or poetic
a stronghold or fortress
10. Australian and New Zealand informal
the general idea, the main purpose
to get the strength of something
11. from strength to strength
12. in strength
13. on the strength of
Word origin
Old English strengthu; related to Old High German strengida; see strong
strength in American English
(strɛŋkθ; strɛŋθ; often strɛnθ)
the state or quality of being strong; force; power; vigor
the power to resist strain, stress, etc.; toughness; durability
the power to resist attack; impregnability
legal, moral, or intellectual force or effectiveness
capacity for producing a reaction or effect
potency or concentration, as of drugs, liquors, etc.
great effectiveness or high potency
intensity, as of sound, color, odor, etc.
force as measured in numbers
a battalion at full strength
vigor or force of feeling or expression
a source of strength or support
a tendency to rise or remain firm in prices
from strength to strength
on the strength of
SYNONYMY NOTE: strength refers to the inherent capacity to act upon or affect something, to endure, to resist,etc. [the strength to lift something, tensile strength]; power, somewhat more general, applies to the ability, latent or exerted, physical or mental,to do something [the power of the press, of a machine, etc.]; force usually suggests the actual exertion of power, esp. in producing motion or overcomingopposition [the force of gravity]; may1 auxiliary verb. suggests great or overwhelming strength or power [with all one's might]; energy specifically implies latent power for doing work or affecting something [the energy in an atom]; potency refers to the inherent capacity or power to accomplish something [the potency of a drug]
OPPOSITES: weakness, impotence
Word origin
ME strengthe < OE strengthu < *strang-ithu: see strong & -th1
strength in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Word forms: (regular plural) strengths
(Pharmaceutical: Drugs)
The strength of a chemical or drug is the concentration of the active ingredient in it.
A generic version of a drug must have the same active ingredients and the same strength as the original.
On labels, the concentration of the active ingredient is shown to indicate the drug'sstrength.
The strength of a chemical or drug is the concentration of the active ingredient in it.
More idioms containing
a tower of strength
COBUILD Collocations
body strength
bone strength
brute strength
capital strength
collective strength
defensive strength
draw strength
financial strength
military strength
muscle strength
muscular strength
real strength
regain strength
signal strength
summon strength
underlying strength
Examples of 'strength' in a sentence
It needs a person with great strength and a great brain.
The Sun (2006)
To restore a bone was to set it so the bone would come back to full strength.
Christianity Today (2000)
You can see a lot of mental strength in the players here.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
We charge the cup with strength and the power to be the person we want to be.
Crowley, Vivianne Phoenix From the Flame (1994)
You have the inner strength to ensure people take your plans and requests seriously.
The Sun (2012)
One of your strengths is your ability to think and act swiftly.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The strength of the army should be determined by the need for combat troops.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Being able to change your mind shows strength and it could be the making of a relationship.
The Sun (2008)
What are the strengths of the argument?
Bachmann, Susan (editor) & Barth, Melinda Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook (1995)
This provided an inner strength and something to which they could look forward.
Aiken, Nick Working with Teenagers (1994)
What are my particular physical strengths and weaknesses?
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
You will find the inner strength to make a success of personal plans.
The Sun (2011)
It is a great strength that students from the whole world wish to study here.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
She is just about back to full strength.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
There is a lack of mental strength.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They will show that strength and power to the club.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
You have the inner strength that gives people confidence in you.
The Sun (2011)
Being able to change your mind shows strength and opens doors to new ways of working or studying.
The Sun (2014)
The past six years have proved again and again that so much flows from the strength of our economy.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They have tremendous strength in depth.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There was strength in this argument.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Out of the mouths of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strengthBible: Psalm 8
In other languages
British English: strength /strɛŋθ/ NOUN
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to do things such as lift heavy objects.
He threw it forward with all his strength.
American English: strength
Arabic: قُوَّة
Brazilian Portuguese: força
Chinese: 实力
Croatian: snaga
Czech: síla
Danish: styrke
Dutch: kracht
European Spanish: fuerza
Finnish: vahvuus
French: force
German: Kraft
Greek: σθένος
Italian: forza
Japanese: 強さ
Korean: 힘
Norwegian: styrke
Polish: siła fizyczna
European Portuguese: força
Romanian: forță
Russian: сила
Latin American Spanish: fuerza
Swedish: styrka
Thai: ความเข้มแข็ง
Turkish: güç kuvvet
Ukrainian: сила
Vietnamese: sức lực
All related terms of 'strength'
in strength
If a group turns out in strength , they arrive in large numbers.
body strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
bone strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
core strength
the strength of the underlying muscles of the torso , which help determine posture
draw strength
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage .
If a team or army is at full strength , all the members that it needs or usually has are present .
real strength
Someone's strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful .
bench strength
depth of talent , as on a sports team
brute strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
field strength
the intensity of an electromagnetic wave at any point in the area covered by a radio or television transmitter
muscle strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
regain strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
shear strength
the degree to which a material or bond is able to resist shear
signal strength
You can talk about the strength of a flavour , smell , colour, sound, or light to describe how intense or easily noticed it is.
summon strength
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage .
yield strength
The yield strength of a bar of material is the maximum stress that can be applied along its axis before it begins to change shape.
capital strength
The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have.
defensive strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
electric strength
the maximum voltage sustainable by an insulating material , after which it loses its insulating properties
financial strength
The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have.
military strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
muscular strength
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
strength training
Training is the process of learning the skills that you need for a particular job or activity.
tensile strength
a measure of the ability of a material to withstand a longitudinal stress , expressed as the greatest stress that the material can stand without breaking
ultimate strength
the maximum tensile stress that a material can withstand before rupture
collective strength
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage .
dielectric strength
Dielectric strength is the ability of a dielectric material of specified thickness to withstand high voltages without breaking down.
extremely strong or powerful
tower of strength
If you refer to someone as a tower of strength , you appreciate them because they give you a lot of help, support, and encouragement when you have problems or are in a difficult situation.
underlying strength
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage .
from strength to strength
with ever-increasing success
on the strength of
If one thing is done on the strength of another, it is done because of the influence of that other thing.
under/below strength
If an army or team is under strength or below strength , it does not have all the members that it needs or usually has.
a tower of strength
someone who gives you a lot of help or support during a difficult period of your life
electric field strength
the strength or intensity of an electric field at any point, usually measured in volts per metre
magnetic field strength
See magnetic intensity
go from strength to strength
If a person or organization goes from strength to strength , they become more and more successful or confident .