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View usage for: (proʊkrieɪt) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense procreates, present participle procreating, past tense, past participle procreatedverbWhen animals or people procreate, they produce young or babies. [formal] Many people feel a biological need to procreate. [VERB] Synonyms: reproduce, mother, produce, father More Synonyms of procreate procreation (proʊkrieɪʃən) uncountable noun They saw sex as for procreation only. procreate in British English (ˈprəʊkrɪˌeɪt) verb1. to beget or engender (offspring) 2. (transitive) to bring into being Derived forms procreant (ˈprocreant) or procreative (ˈprocreˌative) adjective procreation (ˌprocreˈation) noun procreator (ˈprocreˌator) noun Word origin C16: from Latin prōcreāre, from pro-1 + creāre to create procreate in American English (ˈproʊkriˌeɪt) verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: ˈprocreˌated or ˈprocreˌating1. to produce (young); beget (offspring) 2. to produce or bring into existence Derived forms procreation (ˌprocreˈation) noun procreative (ˈprocreˌative) adjective procreator (ˈprocreˌator) noun Word origin < L procreatus, pp. of procreare, to procreate < pro-, pro- 2 + creare, to create Examples of 'procreate' in a sentenceprocreate Despite her age, the couple showed signs that they might procreate.A small random gene which survived all, to become successful and clever and procreate a chromosome of me in her turn, that I might live on?Having learned that lies procreate exponentially, Rosas was forced to implement some rules and demand discretion. Definition to produce (offspring) (formal) Most people feel a biological need to procreate. Synonyms mother generate sire bring into being Additional synonymsDefinition to father He wanted to beget an heir. Synonyms father, breed, generate, sire, get, propagate, procreate (formal) Definition to bear (offspring) Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond. Synonyms reproduce, multiply, propagate, procreate (formal), produce offspring, bear young, bring forth young, generate offspring, beget offspring, developthe desire to engender children Synonyms breed, father, create, generate, conceive, give birth to, spawn, sire, propagate, bring forth, beget, procreate (formal), give life to - proclivity
- procrastinate
- procrastination
- procreate
- procure
- procurer
- prod
Additional synonymsDefinition (of a man) to be the biological cause of the conception and birth of (a child) He fathered three children. Synonyms sire, parent, conceive, bring to life, beget, procreate (formal), bring into being, give life to, getSynonyms breed, spawn, propagate, beget, procreate (formal) Definition to bring (something) into existence Cooking with spices produces a wonderful smell. Synonyms cause, lead to, result in, effect, occasion (formal), generate, trigger, make for, provoke, set off, induce, bring about, give rise to, engenderDefinition to reproduce or breed Tomatoes rot in order to transmit their seed and propagate the species. Synonyms reproduce, breed, multiply, proliferate, beget, procreate (formal) |