A rectangular shadow box, featuring Maryland's writers, was hung on the wall to their immediate left.
Laura Lippman IN A STRANGE CITY (2001)
In other languages
British English: immediate /ɪˈmiːdɪət/ ADJECTIVE
An immediate result, action, or reaction happens or is done without any delay.
These events had an immediate effect.
American English: immediate
Arabic: مُبَاشِر
Brazilian Portuguese: imediato
Chinese: 立即的
Croatian: neposredan
Czech: okamžitý
Danish: øjeblikkelig
Dutch: onmiddellijk
European Spanish: inmediato
Finnish: välitön
French: immédiat
German: unmittelbar
Greek: άμεσος
Italian: immediato
Japanese: 早速の
Korean: 즉시의
Norwegian: øyeblikkelig
Polish: natychmiastowy
European Portuguese: imediato
Romanian: imediat
Russian: немедленный
Latin American Spanish: inmediato
Swedish: omedelbar
Thai: ทันที
Turkish: acil
Ukrainian: негайний
Vietnamese: lập tức
All related terms of 'immediate'
immediate reply
A reply is something that you say or write when you answer someone or answer a letter or advertisement .
immediate annuity
an annuity that starts less than a year after its purchase
immediate constituent
a constituent of a linguistic construction at the first step in an analysis ; for example, the immediate constituents of a sentence are the subject and the predicate
immediate-release coating
An immediate-release coating is a tablet coating that breaks down immediately in the body.
with (immediate) effect/effect from
If you say that something will happen with immediate effect or with effect from a particular time, you mean that it will begin to apply or be valid immediately or from the stated time.