a US political party, made up chiefly of dissident Republicans, that nominated Theodore Roosevelt as its presidential candidate in 1912 and supported primaries, progressive labour legislation, and other reforms
a US political party, composed mostly of farmers, socialists, and unionists, that nominated Robert La Follette for president in 1924 and supported public ownership of railways and of public utilities and other reforms
a US political party, composed chiefly of dissident Democrats, that nominated Henry Wallace for president in 1948 and supported the nationalization of key industries, advocated social reforms, and opposed the Cold War
4. (in South Africa) the former name for Progressive Federal Party
Progressive Party in American English
a short-lived, minor American political party:
organized in 1912 by followers of Theodore Roosevelt
formed in 1924 under the leadership of Robert M. La Follette
formed in 1948, originally under the leadership of Henry A. Wallace