Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense prolapses, present participle prolapsing, past tense, past participle prolapsedpronunciation note: The verb is also pronounced (prəlæps).
1. variable noun
A prolapse is when one of the organs in the body moves down from its normal position.
One complication which can arise is a prolapse.
...the causes and treatment of uterine prolapse.
2. verb
If an organ in someone's body prolapses, it moves down from its normal position.
Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed. [VERB]
prolapse in British English
(ˈprəʊlæps, prəʊˈlæps) pathology
1. Also called: prolapsus (prəʊˈlæpsəs)
the sinking or falling down of an organ or part, esp the womb
Compare proptosis
(of an organ, etc) to sink from its normal position
Word origin
C17: from Latin prōlābi to slide along, from pro-1 + lābī to slip
prolapse in American English
(proʊˈlæps; ˈproʊˌlæps)
1. Medicine
the falling or slipping out of place of an internal organ, as the uterus
: also proˈlapsus (proʊˈlæpsəs; ˈproʊˈlæpsəs)
verb intransitiveWord forms: proˈlapsed or proˈlapsing
2. Medicine
to fall or slip out of place
Word origin
ModL prolapsus < LL, a falling < pp. of L prolabi, to fall forward < pro-, forward + labi, to fall: see pro-2 & lapse