A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth's surface.
wind up
When you wind up an activity, you finish it or stop doing it.
berg wind
a hot dry wind in South Africa blowing from the plateau down to the coast
ill wind
You can describe an unfortunate event as an ill wind if someone benefits from it. The expression occurs in the proverb 'It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good'.
a wind that comes from the land
A tailwind is a wind that is blowing from behind an aeroplane , boat , or other vehicle , making it move faster.
wind down
When you wind down something such as the window of a car , you make it move downwards by turning a handle .
solar wind
the constant stream of charged particles , esp protons and electrons , emitted by the sun at high velocities , its density and speed varying during periods of solar activity. It interacts with the earth's magnetic field , some of the particles being trapped by the magnetic lines of force, and causes auroral displays
trade wind
a wind blowing obliquely towards the equator either from the northeast in the N hemisphere or the southeast in the S hemisphere, approximately between latitudes 30° N and S, forming part of the planetary wind system
broken wind
→ heaves
second wind
When you get your second wind , you become able to continue doing something difficult or energetic after you have been tired or out of breath .
stellar wind
streams of ionized gas particles constantly emitted in all directions by a star
valley wind
a wind that ascends a mountain valley during the day
bag of wind
following wind
a wind that is moving in the same direction as the course of a vessel etc
mountain wind
a wind descending a mountain valley at night
Taranaki wind
natural gas from Taranaki
gale-force wind
a wind of force seven to ten on the Beaufort scale or from 45 to 90 kilometres per hour
hurricane-force wind
a wind of force 12 or above on the Beaufort scale
brass instrument
a musical wind instrument of brass or other metal with a cup-shaped mouthpiece , as the trombone , tuba , French horn , trumpet , or cornet
a small Native American pony used by cowboys
a chronic respiratory disorder of animals of the horse family caused by allergies and dust
throw caution to the wind
to do something without worrying about the risks and danger involved