A bison is a large hairy animal with a large head that is a member of the cattle family. They used to be verycommon in North America and Europe.
[mainly British]regional note: in AM, usually use buffalo
bison in British English
nounWord forms: plural-son
1. Also called: American bison, buffalo
a member of the cattle tribe, Bison bison, formerly widely distributed over the prairies of W North America but now confined to reserves and parks, with a massive head, shaggy forequarters, and a humped back
2. Also called: wisent, European bison
a closely related and similar animal, Bison bonasus, formerly widespread in Europe
Word origin
C14: from Latin bisōn, of Germanic origin; related to Old English wesand, Old Norse vīsundr
bison in American English
(ˈbaɪsən; ˈbaɪzən)
nounWord forms: pluralˈbison
any of a genus (Bison) of bovid ruminants having a shaggy mane, short, curved horns, and a humped back, as the American buffalo (B. bison) or the wisent
Word origin
Early ModE bisontes, pl. < L, pl. of bison, wild ox < Gmc *wisunt < IE *wis-onto- < base *weis-: see weasel