a weather-resistant mixture of dehydrated lime, powdered marble, and glue, used in decorative mouldings on buildings
any of various types of cement or plaster used for coating outside walls
3. Also called: stuccowork
decorative work moulded in stucco
verbWord forms: -coes, -cos, -coing or -coed
4. (transitive)
to apply stucco to
Derived forms
stuccoer (ˈstuccoer)
Word origin
C16: from Italian, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German stukki a fragment, crust, Old English stycce
stuccowork in American English
moldings, decorative work, or a finish made of stucco
Derived forms
Word origin
[1680–90; stucco + work]This word is first recorded in the period 1680–90. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: gangway, mob, timekeeper, turnoff, turnout