to provide (someone) with a good reason for wanting to do something
why not incentivize companies to relocate?
to promote (something) with a particular incentive
an incentivized share option scheme
incentivize in American English
transitive verbWord forms: -vized, -vizing
to give incentives to
The Government should incentivize the private sector to create jobs
Word origin
[1965–70, Amer.]This word is first recorded in the period 1965–70. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: T cell, genetic engineering, overdub, red-eye, stun gun
Examples of 'incentivize' in a sentence
Previous research suggests that reputational concerns can incentivize cooperation and deter socially deviant behavior.
Jenny C. Su, Chi-Yue Chiu, Wei-Fang Lin, Shigehiro Oishi 2016, 'Social Monitoring Matters for Deterring Social Deviance in Stable but Not Mobile Socio-EcologicalContexts', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0167053. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
However, wildlife collection may incentivize local people to conserve habitats that support their livelihoods.
Janine E. Robinson, Richard A. Griffiths, Iain M. Fraser, Jessica Raharimalala, DavidL. Roberts, Freya A. V. St. John 2018, 'Supplying the wildlife trade as a livelihood strategy in a biodiversity hotspot',Ecology and Society Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Policy makers then aim to incentivize microeconomic actors to align their decisions with macroeconomic policy.
Marc Ringel, Roufaida Laidi, Djamel Djenouri 2019, 'Multiple Benefits through Smart Home Energy Management Solutions—A Simulation-BasedCase Study of a Single-Family-House in Algeria and Germany', Energies Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A pay-for-performance approach in the water sector could quantify and incentivize health impact.
Darcy M. Anderson, Evan A. Thomas, Thomas F. Clasen 2018, 'Quantifying Averted Disability-Adjusted Life Years as a Performance Indicator forWater Quality Interventions: A Review of Current Methodologies and Challenges', Water Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Finally, they addressed the necessity of improving data standards to incentivize data sharing.
Jacquelyn S. Meisel, Daniel J. Nasko, Brian Brubach, Victoria Cepeda-Espinoza, JessicaChopyk, Héctor Corrada-Bravo, Marcus Fedarko, Jay Ghurye, Kiran Javkar, Nathan D.Olson, Nidhi Shah, Sarah M. Allard, Adam L. Bazinet, Nicholas H. Bergman, Alexis Brown,J. Gregory Caporaso, Sean Conlan, Jocelyne DiRuggiero, Samuel P. Forry, Nur A. Hasan,Jason Kralj, Paul M. Luethy, Donald K. Milton, Brian D. Ondov, Sarah Preheim, ShashikalaRatnayake, Stephanie M. Rogers, M. J. Rosovitz, Eric G. Sakowski, Nils Oliver Schliebs,Daniel D. Sommer, Krista L. Ternus, Gherman Uritskiy, Sean X. Zhang, Mihai Pop, ToddJ. Treangen 2018, 'Current progress and future opportunities in applications of bioinformatics for biodefenseand pathogen detection: report from the Winter Mid-Atlantic Microbiome Meet-up, CollegePark, MD, January 10, 2018', Microbiome Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Conversely, “cookbook” labs incentivize task completion and have pre-determined experimental outcomes.
Ramesh Laungani, Colby Tanner, Tessa Durham Brooks, Barbara Clement, Melissa Clouse,Erin Doyle, Scott Dworak, Brad Elder, Kate Marley, Brett Schofield 2018, 'Finding Some Good in an Invasive Species: Introduction and Assessment of a Novel CUREto Improve Experimental Design in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms', Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Physicians may play important roles in encouraging participation in programs to incentivize healthy behaviors.
Allyson G. Hall, Christy Harris Lemak, Amy Yarbrough Landry, R. Paul Duncan 2013, 'Incentives for Healthy Behaviors', Journal of Primary Care & Community Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In particular, bonus and malus payments could incentivize employees to comply with anti-bribery rules.
Fabian Teichmann 2018, 'Anti-Bribery Compliance Incentives: Scope of Applicability', European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Medical device innovation remains poorly understood, and policymakers disagree over how to incentivize early development.
Aaron S Kesselheim, Shuai Xu, Jerry Avorn 2014, 'Clinicians' contributions to the development of coronary artery stents: a qualitativestudy of transformative device innovation.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (