filled with something, esp (of poultry and other food) filled with stuffing
2. (foll by up)
(of the nasal passages) blocked with mucus
3. get stuffed!
Examples of 'stuffed' in a sentence
The sharp edges of the jacket stuffed with casino chips cut into her ribs.
All related terms of 'stuffed'
You can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name.
stuffed toy
A stuffed toy is the same as a → stuffed animal .
stuffed up
(of the nasal passages or nose ) blocked or bunged up with mucus
get stuffed!
an exclamation of contemptuous anger or annoyance , esp against another person
stuffed dummy
someone who says or does nothing and is generally inanimate and characterless
stuffed shirt
If you describe someone, especially someone with an important position, as a stuffed shirt , you mean that they are extremely formal and old-fashioned .
stuffed animal
Stuffed animals are toys that are made of cloth filled with a soft material and which look like animals.
a stuffed shirt
someone in an important position who behaves in a very formal or pompous way
get lost/knotted/stuffed etc
Get is used in rude expressions like get stuffed and get lost to express contempt , disagreement , or refusal to do something.