释义 |
English translation of '避重就轻'避重就轻 (避重就輕) (bì zhòng jiù qīng) -
focus on small things, ignoring what's important ⇒ 开会时我避重就轻,只谈小问题。 (Kāihuì shí wǒ bì zhòng jiù qīng, zhǐ tán xiǎo wèntí.) At the meeting, I avoided the important issues, and spoke only about minor points.
⇒ 首相答记者问时,老是避重就轻。 (Shǒuxiàng dá jìzhě wèn shí, lǎoshì bì zhòng jiù qīng.) When the prime minister answers journalists' questions he always evades the issue.