adjective1. not correct or truthful
the wrong answer
2. acting or judging in error
you are wrong to think that
3. (postpositive) immoral; bad
it is wrong to cheat
4. deviating from or unacceptable to correct or conventional laws, usage, etc
5. not intended or wanted
the wrong road
6. (postpositive) not working properly; amiss
something is wrong with the engine
7. US (of a side, esp of a fabric) intended to face the inside so as not to be seen
8. get on the wrong side of
9. go down the wrong way
adverb10. in the wrong direction or manner
11. go wrong
12. get wrong
noun13. a bad, immoral, or unjust thing or action
14. lawa. an infringement of another person's rights, rendering the offender liable to a civil action, as for breach of contract or tort
a private wrong
b. a violation of public rights and duties, affecting the community as a whole and actionable at the instance of the Crown
a public wrong
15. in the wrong
verb (transitive)17. to discredit, malign, or misrepresent
Word origin
Old English
wrang injustice, from Old Norse
vrang; see