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View usage for: provident in British English (ˈprɒvɪdənt) adjective1. providing for future needs 2. exercising foresight in the management of one's affairs or resources 3. characterized by or proceeding from foresight Derived forms providently (ˈprovidently) adverb Word origin C15: from Latin prōvidens foreseeing, from prōvidēre to provideprovident in American English (ˈprɑvədənt) adjective1. providing for future needs or events; exercising or characterized by foresight SIMILAR WORDS: ˈthrifty Derived forms providently (ˈprovidently) adverb Word origin ME < L providens, prp. of providere: see provide Examples of 'provident' in a sentenceprovident This strikes her as a provident idea, which she'll suggest when he's in a better mood. Synonyms of 'provident'prudent, careful, wise, equipped More Synonyms of provident Definition showing foresight He brought them up to be careful, provident and hard-working. Synonyms equipped forearmed well-prepared far-seeing foresighted Opposites careless , reckless , negligent , wasteful , short-sighted , prodigal , profligate , thoughtless , spendthrift , imprudent , heedless , uneconomical , improvident , unthrifty , thriftless Additional synonymsDefinition shrewd or cautious He was far too canny to risk giving himself away. Synonyms shrewd, knowing, sharp, acute, careful, wise, clever, subtle, cautious, prudent, astute, on the ball (informal), artful, judicious, circumspect, perspicacious (formal), sagacious (formal), worldly-wiseTrain your children to be careful with their pocket-money. Synonyms prudent, sparing, economical, canny, provident, frugal, thriftyDefinition showing or having caution Mr King clearly has a cautious approach to change. Synonyms careful, guarded, alert, wary, discreet, tentative, prudent, vigilant, watchful, judicious, circumspect, cagey (informal), on your toes, chary, belt-and-braces, keeping a weather eye on, heedful- provide for or against something
- provide for someone
- providence
- provident
- providential
- provider
- providing
Additional synonymsDefinition careful to avoid embarrassment when dealing with secret or private matters He followed at a discreet distance. Synonyms tactful, diplomatic, politic, reserved, guarded, careful, sensible, cautious, wary, discerning, prudent, considerate, judicious, circumspect, sagaciousDefinition (of a person) spending money carefully and sensibly As taxpayers we should be able to assume that the government is economical with our money. Synonyms thrifty, sparing, careful, prudent, provident, frugal, parsimonious, scrimping, economizing Definition able to look forward and plan ahead The decision was described as a far-sighted, significant step. Synonyms prudent, acute, wise, cautious, sage, shrewd, discerning, canny, provident, judicious, prescient, far-seeing, politicDefinition economical in the use of money or resources She lives a frugal life. Synonyms thrifty, sparing, careful, prudent, provident, parsimonious, abstemious, penny-wise, saving, cheeseparing Definition wise or sensible a wise and sagacious leader Synonyms wise, shrewd, astute, knowing, able, fly (slang), sharp, acute, smart, intelligent, sage, discerning, canny, perceptive, judicious, insightful, far-sighted, clear-sighted, long-headed, sharp-witted, perspicacious (formal) Definition intelligent and making good judgments She's a shrewd businesswoman.a shrewd guess Synonyms astute, clever, sharp, knowing, fly (slang), keen, acute, smart, calculated, calculating, intelligent, discriminating, cunning, discerning, sly, canny, perceptive, wily, crafty, artful, far-sighted, far-seeing, long-headed (rare), perspicacious (formal), sagacious (formal) Definition not wasteful with money My mother taught me to be thrifty. Synonyms economical, prudent, provident, frugal, saving, sparing, careful, parsimoniousDefinition on the watch for trouble or danger Police warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious. Synonyms watchful, alert, on the lookout, careful, cautious, attentive, circumspect, wide awake, on the alert, on your toes, wakeful, on your guard, on the watch, on the qui vive, Argus-eyed, keeping your eyes peeled or skinned (informal) Definition possessing or showing wisdom She had made a very wise decision. Synonyms sensible, sound, politic, informed, reasonable, clever, intelligent, rational, logical, shrewd, prudent, judicious, well-advised |