the bottom layer of tissue or skin beneath the outer skin which consists mostly of fatty cells
subcutis in American English
the deeper layer of the dermis, containing mostly fat and connective tissue
Word origin
[1895–1900; sub- + cutis]This word is first recorded in the period 1895–1900. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Marxism, backwind, frame of reference, hit-and-run, slapsticksub- is a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin (subject; subtract; subvert; subsidy). On this model, sub- is freely attached to elements of any origin and used with the meaning “under,” “below,”“beneath” (subalpine; substratum), “slightly,” “imperfectly,” “nearly” (subcolumnar; subtropical), “secondary,” “subordinate” (subcommittee; subplot)
Examples of 'subcutis' in a sentence
Residual pulmonary nodules progressively grew, and she developed a muscle metastasis and a subcutis metastasis.
Toshihisa Osanai, Hiroaki Suzuki, Hiroaki Hiraga, Tamotsu Soma, Takayuki Nojima 2017, 'Extra-articular diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor with benign histologicalfeatures resulting in fatal pulmonary metastases', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
They are located in both the dermis, often in perifollicular areas, and the subcutis.
David L. Huso, Sarah Edie, Michael A. Levine, William Schwindinger, Yingli Wang, HaraldJüppner, Emily L. Germain-Lee 2011, 'Heterotopic Ossifications in a Mouse Model of Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy',PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0021755. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Angioleiomyomas are benign mesenchymal tumours commonly occurring in the subcutis of extremities.
Sunitha Thomas, Laxmi Radhakrishnan, Latha Abraham, Anna Matthai 2012, 'Uterine Angioleiomyoma with Atypia, Raised CA-125 Levels, and Pseudo-Meigs Syndrome:An Alarming Presentation', Case Reports in Pathology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Skin biopsy of the swelling demonstrated calcium deposition in dermis and subcutis.
Sardesai V, Gharpuray M 2003, 'Calcinosis cutis', Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology;year=2003;volume=69;issue=1;spage=45;epage=46;aulast=Sardesai. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Adults showed an age-related decrease in dermal (p = 0.021) and subcutis (p = 0.009) thicknesses.
José G B Derraik, Marius Rademaker, Wayne S Cutfield, Teresa E Pinto, Sheryl Tregurtha,Ann Faherty, Jane M Peart, Paul L Drury, Paul L Hofman 2014, 'Effects of age, gender, BMI, and anatomical site on skin thickness in children andadults with diabetes.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
She developed subcutis calcinosis following injection of calcium-containing heparin.
Lilia Ben Fatma, Zohra El Ati, Haifa Azzouz, Lamia Rais, Madiha Krid, Wided Smaoui,Hédi Ben Maiz, Soumaya Béji, Karim Zouaghi, Moncef Zitouna, Fatma Ben Moussa 2014, 'Subcutis calcinosis caused by injection of calcium-containing heparin in a chronickidney injury patient', Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation;year=2014;volume=25;issue=5;spage=1068;epage=1071;aulast=Fatma. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A punch biopsy showed eosinophilic material in the dermis and subcutis.
Kathrin Schucht, Josef Schröder, Heiko Siegmund, Claudia Grafe, Stephan Schreml 2016, 'Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis at the Temple', Case Reports in Dermatology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
After excluding primary tumors of skin/subcutis, 25 cases on cytology were suggestive of metastasis.
Barkha Gupta, Varuna Mallya, Shyama Jain, P N Agarwal 2018, 'Utility of FNAC in dermatological manifestations of metastatic cancer with the reviewof the literature', Journal of Cytology;year=2018;volume=35;issue=4;spage=237;epage=241;aulast=Gupta. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (