

单词 injury time

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injury time

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injury time

Examples of 'injury time' in a sentence
injury time

His assistant took over duties and 17 minutes of injury time were played.How long should injury time have been?The striker had a glorious chance to win the game in injury time but blazed over with only the keeper to beat.Injury time - a period allotted to deal with the above incident.It could only last until first-half injury time.It also beat Ireland in Dublin last year in injury time.But he missed and Flood matched him in injury time to sum up the match for the 41,000 crowd.

In other languages
injury time

British English: injury time /ˈɪndʒərɪ taɪm/ NOUN
Injury time is the period of time added to the end of a football game because play was stopped during the match when players were injured.
  • American English: injury time
  • Arabic: وَقْتُ بَدْلِ الضَائِع
  • Brazilian Portuguese: prorrogação jogos esportivos
  • Chinese: 受伤延长赛时
  • Croatian: produžetak utakmice
  • Czech: prodloužený čas kopaná
  • Danish: overtid
  • Dutch: blessuretijd
  • European Spanish: tiempo añadido
  • Finnish: lisäaika
  • French: arrêts de jeu
  • German: Nachspielzeit
  • Greek: χρόνος καθυστερήσεων σε ποδοσφαιρικό αγώνα
  • Italian: tempo di recupero
  • Japanese: ロスタイム
  • Korean: 추가 시간
  • Norwegian: tilleggstid
  • Polish: czas dodany za przerwy w grze
  • European Portuguese: tempo de compensação partidas desportivas
  • Romanian: prelungiri
  • Russian: добавленное время
  • Latin American Spanish: tiempo adicional
  • Swedish: förlängning
  • Thai: เวลาบาดเจ็บ
  • Turkish: uzatma süresi
  • Ukrainian: додатковий час
  • Vietnamese: thời gian bù giờ

Chinese translation of 'injury time'

injury time


n (u)

  1. 伤(傷)停补(補)时(時) (shāngtíng bǔshí)




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