An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with.
Americans have an innate sense of fairness.
...a society in which individuals could develop their innate abilities and capacities.
Synonyms: inborn, natural, inherent, essential More Synonyms of innate
innatelyadverb [ADVERB adjective]
I believe everyone is innately psychic.
innate in British English
(ɪˈneɪt, ˈɪneɪt)
existing in a person or animal from birth; congenital; inborn
being an essential part of the character of a person or thing
instinctive; not learned
innate capacities
4. botany
(of anthers) joined to the filament by the base only
(in rationalist philosophy) (of ideas) present in the mind before any experience and knowable by pure reason
Derived forms
innately (inˈnately)
innateness (inˈnateness)
Word origin
C15: from Latin, from innascī to be born in, from nascī to be born
innate in American English
(ɪˈneɪt; ˈɪnˌeɪt)
existing naturally rather than acquired; that seems to have been in one from birth
innate talent
existing as an inherent attribute
the innate humor of a situation
2. Botany
borne at the apex of the support, as an anther
SYNONYMY NOTE: innate, inborn are often interchangeable, but , innate has more extensive connotations, describing that which belongs to something as partof its nature or constitution, and , inborn, the simpler term, more specifically suggesting qualities so much a part of one'snature as to seem to have been born in or with one [inborn modesty]; inbred refers to qualities that are deeply ingrained by breeding [an inbred love of learning]; congenital implies existence at or from one's birth, specifically as a result of prenatal environment[congenital blindness]; hereditary implies acquirement of characteristics by transmission genetically from parents orancestors [hereditary blondness]
Derived forms
innately (inˈnately)
innateness (inˈnateness)
Word origin
L innatus, pp. of innasci, to be born in, originate in < in-, in + nasci, to be born: see UNRESOLVED CROSS REF
Examples of 'innate' in a sentence
remembered her history rightly, known for its innate dweomer talent.
Kerr, Katharine A TIME OF WAR (2001)
Perhaps he should trust a little more to Anna's innate tact.
Appiganesi, Lisa DREAMS OF INNOCENCE (2001)
Any man who moved with his innate coordination was bound to be good with his hands.
Elizabeth Lowell TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH (2001)
In other languages
British English: innate ADJECTIVE
An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with.