an autonomous commonwealth (in association with the US) occupying the smallest and easternmost of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean: one of the most densely populated areas in the world; ceded by Spain to the US in 1899. Currency: US dollar. Capital: San Juan. Pop: 3 674 209 (2013 est). Area: 9104 sq km (3515 sq miles)
Former name (until 1932): Porto Rico. Abbreviation: PR
Puerto Rico in American English
(ˌpwɛrtə ˈrikoʊ; ˌpɔrtə ˈrikoʊ)
island in the West Indies which, with small nearby islands, constitutes a commonwealth associated with the U.S.: 3,425 sq mi (8,870 sq km); pop. 3,809,000; cap. San Juan
abbrev. PR or P.R.
Derived forms
Puerto Rican (ˌPuerˈto Rican) (ˌpwɛrtɛ ˈrikən; ˌpɔrtə ˈrikən)
Word origin
Sp, lit., rich port
Word lists with
Puerto Rico
country, inhabitant
In other languages
Puerto Rico
British English: Puerto Rico /ˈpwɜːtəʊ ˈriːkəʊ; ˈpwɛə-/ NOUN