The data showed the differences among trials regarding the inocula.
Raimondo Gaglio, Antonio Alfonzo, Noemi Polizzotto, Onofrio Corona, Nicola Francesca,Giuseppe Russo, Giancarlo Moschetti, Luca Settanni 2018, 'Performances of Different Metabolic Lactobacillus Groups During the Fermentation ofPizza Doughs Processed from Semolina', Fermentation Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The inocula of ectomycorrhizal fungus were prepared in wheat grains treated with gypsum.
ABHISHEK PYASI, KRISHNA KANT SONI, RAM KEERTI VERMA 2013, 'Effect of ectomycorrhizae on growth and establishment of sal (Shorea robusta) seedlingsin central India', Nusantara Bioscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Inocula were grown using xylose or glucose as carbon source.
Patrick V. Gurgel, Délia C. Vieira, Sandra A. Furlan, Ismael M. de Mancilha 1998, 'Growth of Candida guilliermondii FTI 20037 on mixed substrate', Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Specific inocula are strategic to enhance the chemical profile of essential oils.
Waed Tarraf, Claudia Ruta, Francesca De Cillis, Anna Tagarelli, Luigi Tedone, GiuseppeDe Mastro 2015, 'Effects of mycorrhiza on growth and essential oil production in selected aromaticplants', Italian Journal of Agronomy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Mariana F. PAVANELLI, Edilson Nobuyoshi KANESHIMA, Carla F. UDA, Cristiane M. COLLI,Ana L. FALAVIGNA-GUILHERM, Mônica L. GOMES 2015, 'PATHOGENICITY OF Blastocystis sp. TO THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT OF MICE: RELATIONSHIPBETWEEN INOCULUM SIZE AND PERIOD OF INFECTION', Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Eight uncoated wells, using identical inocula size, served as a positive control (bacteria with medium).
Sertac Aksakalli, Erdem Hatunoglu, Ugur Arslan, Ebubekir Toy, Fırat Ozturk 2012, 'Long -term antibacterial properties of fluoride-releasing orthodontic bonding adhesives',Cumhuriyet Dental Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
There were variations in virus virulence among sources of inocula.
Nyoman Widiarta, Syahrir Pakki 2015, 'VARIASI VIRULENSI VIRUS TUNGRO BERSUMBER DARI INOKULUM DI DAERAH ENDEMIS TUNGRO DIINDONESIA', Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The second technique was by adding the bacterial inocula to soil 2 weeks after transplantation.
A. Mostafa, M. Khalafallah, S. AboSedera, H. Fathy, A. Higazy 2019, 'Different methods of bacterial inoculation on the yield of chamomile blossoms andessential oil', Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This could be of relevance for the production of inocula with a stable fugus-bacteria association.
M Biggiogera 2009, '2001: AN OVERVIEW', European Journal of Histochemistry Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Fungal and bacterial inocula were simultaneously inoculated to initiate mixed biofilm formation.
Elise Melloul, Lolita Roisin, Marie-Fleur Durieux, Marie-Fleur Durieux, Paul-LouisWoerther, Paul-Louis Woerther, Delphine Jenot, Delphine Jenot, Veronica Risco, VeronicaRisco, Jacques Guillot, Jacques Guillot, Eric Dannaoui, Eric Dannaoui, Jean-WinocDecousser, Jean-Winoc Decousser, Françoise Botterel, Françoise Botterel 2018, 'Interactions of Aspergillus fumigatus and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in an in vitroMixed Biofilm Model: Does the Strain Matter?', Frontiers in Microbiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (