An inpatient is someone who stays in a hospital while they receive their treatment.
inpatient in British English
a hospital patient who occupies a bed for at least one night in the course of treatment, examination, or observation
Compare outpatient
inpatient in American English
a patient who is lodged and fed in a hospital, clinic, etc. while receiving treatment
inpatient in Insurance
Word forms: (regular plural) inpatients
(Insurance: Medical insurance)
An inpatient is someone who stays in a hospital while they receive treatment.
If a given condition can be treated equally well as an outpatient than as an inpatient, cost savings will generally be realized.
A healthcare professional will evaluate an attending physician's request for a patient'sadmission to a hospital to evaluate whether or not inpatient care is necessary.
An inpatient is someone who stays in a hospital while they receive treatment.
Examples of 'inpatient' in a sentence
She'd been an inpatient on one of the Medical wards for a week now; I understood the prognosis wasn't good.
Pritchard, John NIGHT SISTERS (2002)
He was a regular inpatient at the St. Cloud VA on the neuropsychiatric ward.