Remaining dental structure and ferrule increase the survival of restored pulpless teeth.
Ana Maria Estivalete MARCHIONATTI, Vinícius Felipe WANDSCHER, Marília Pivetta RIPPE,Osvaldo Bazzan KAIZER, Luiz Felipe VALANDRO 2017, 'Clinical performance and failure modes of pulpless teeth restored with posts: a systematicreview', Brazilian Oral Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Over time, the pulpless tooth, now lacking proper blood supply and nervous system, becomes more vulnerable to injury.
Weibo Zhang, Pamela C. Yelick 2010, 'Vital Pulp Therapy—Current Progress of Dental Pulp Regeneration and Revascularization',International Journal of Dentistry Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, the minimum interfacial tensile stress was noticed in a pulpless tooth restored with a glass fibre post.
Ahmed A. Madfa, Elham M. Senan, Xiao-Guang Yue 2017, 'Autonomous Robotics: A fresh Era of Implant Dentistry… is a reality!Tensile stressdistribution in maxillary central incisors restored with cast-made and prefabricateddental posts.', Journal of Oral Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (