(formerly) a province in NW British India: divided between India and Pakistan in 1947
a state of NW India: reorganized in 1966 as a Punjabi-speaking state, a large part forming the new state of Haryana; mainly agricultural. Capital: Chandigarh. Pop: 24 289 296 (2001). Area: 50 255 sq km (19 403 sq miles)
a province of W Pakistan: created in 1947. Capital: Lahore. Pop: 82 710 000 (2003 est). Area: 205 344 sq km (127 595 sq miles)
Punjab in American English
(pʌnˈdʒɑb; ˈpʌndʒɑb; ˈpʌndʒæb)
region in NW India & NE Pakistan, between the upper Indus & Jumna rivers: formerly a province of India, it was divided between India & Pakistan (1947); chief city, Lahore (now in Pakistan)
state of India, in this region: 19,445 sq mi (50,362 sq km); pop. 21,695,000; cap. Chandigarh
Word origin
Hindi Panjāb, lit., (land of) five rivers < Sans panj, five + ab, river, water