The more relaxedregime, which will allow suspects access to the internet and to mobile telephones, is to become a permanent part of the justice system.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Business leaders, too, hope that a more relaxed visa regime will encourage more inward investment.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Britain already has one of the most relaxedregimes for slot machines.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Definition of 'regime'
(reɪʒiːm)Explore 'regime' in the dictionary
countable noun
A regime is the way that something such as an institution, company, or economy is run, especially when it involves tough or severe action.
Definition of 'relax'
(rɪlæks)Explore 'relax' in the dictionary
If you relax a rule or your control over something, or if it relaxes, it becomes less firm or strong.