释义 |
(ʌntʃeɪndʒəbəl) adjectiveSomething that is unchangeable cannot be changed at all. The doctrine is unchangeable. ...a thoroughly organised and almost unchangeable system of laws and customs. Synonyms: unalterable, fixed, immutable, strong More Synonyms of unchangeable unchangeable in British English (ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒəbəl) adjectivenot capable of being changed or altered Derived forms unchangeability (unˌchangeaˈbility) noun unchangeably (unˈchangeably) adverb Examples of 'unchangeable' in a sentenceunchangeable Her husband's enduring sympathy had made life seem unchangeable.actually happened, and we had to relive our past life, unchanged, and unchangeable.Kettricken saw as unchangeable that Nettle had a place in the line of heirs to the throne. Definition not able to be altered an almost unchangeable system of laws and customs Synonyms fixed strong inevitable irreversible changeless Opposites variable , changeable , shifting , unstable , irregular , wavering , mutable , inconstant Additional synonymsSynonyms unchanging, settled, fixed, regular, permanent, constant, steady, uniform, consistent, reliable, eternal, abiding, perpetual, stationary, resolute, everlasting, steadfast, immutable, immovable, unalterable, unvarying Definition unchanging The temperature should be kept more or less constant. Synonyms unchanging, even, fixed, regular, permanent, stable, steady, uniform, continual, unbroken, immutable, immovable, invariable, unalterable, unvarying, firmDefinition unwilling to change one's opinions or beliefs On one issue, however, she was immovable. Synonyms inflexible, adamant, resolute, steadfast, constant, unyielding, unwavering, impassive, obdurate, unshakable, unchangeable, unshaken, stony-hearted, unimpressionable Nearby words ofunchangeable - unceremoniously
- uncertain
- uncertainty
- unchangeable
- unchanged
- unchanging
- uncharacteristic
Additional synonymsDefinition unchangeable or unchanging the immutable principles of right and wrong Synonyms unchanging, fixed, permanent, stable, constant, enduring, abiding, perpetual, inflexible, steadfast, sacrosanct, immovable, ageless, invariable, unalterable, unchangeable, changeless, fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians Definition unchanging It was his invariable custom to have a cup of tea before bed. Synonyms regular, set, fixed, constant, uniform, consistent, rigid, inflexible, unchanging, immutable, unwavering, unfailing, unalterable, unchangeable, unvarying, changelessDefinition existing or intended to exist forever Wear earplugs to avoid causing permanent damage. Synonyms lasting, fixed, constant, enduring, persistent, eternal, abiding, perennial, durable, perpetual, everlasting, unchanging, immutable, indestructible, immovable, invariable, imperishable, unfading Definition lasting and not likely to experience any sudden changes a stable marriage Synonyms secure, lasting, strong, sound, fast, sure, established, permanent, constant, steady, enduring, reliable, abiding, durable, deep-rooted, well-founded, steadfast, immutable, unwavering, invariable, unalterable, unchangeableDefinition dedicated and unwavering He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing. Synonyms resolute, firm, fast, fixed, stable, intent, single-minded, unwavering, immovable, unflinching, unswerving, unfaltering |