Twelve years after the initial manifestation, a second tumor was found intracerebrally.
Sabina Eigenbrod, Niklas Thon, Nathalie Jansen, Hendrik Janssen, Janina Mielke, MichaelRuiter, Christian la Fougère, Aurelia Peraud, Rupert Egensperger, Hans Kretzschmar 2012, 'Intramedullary pilomyxoid astrocytoma with intracerebral metastasis exhibiting oligodendroglioma-likefeatures', Rare Tumors Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Serotonin injected intracerebrally produced a biphasic effect on memory consolidation with enhancement at low doses and inhibition at higher doses.
Marie Elizabeth Gibbs, Leif eHertz 2014, 'Serotonin mediation of early memory formation via 5HT2B receptor-induced glycogenolysisin the day-old chick', Frontiers in Pharmacology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (