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View usage for: (ɪntræktəbəl) 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]Intractable people are very difficult to control or influence. [formal] What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents? Synonyms: difficult, contrary, awkward, wild More Synonyms of intractable 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]Intractable problems or situations are very difficult to deal with. [formal] The economy still faces intractable problems. Synonyms: unmanageable, difficult, insoluble, out of hand More Synonyms of intractable intractable in British English (ɪnˈtræktəbəl) adjective1. difficult to influence or direct an intractable disposition 2. (of a problem, illness, etc) difficult to solve, alleviate, or cure 3. difficult to shape or mould, esp with the hands Derived forms intractability (inˌtractaˈbility) or intractableness (inˈtractableness) noun intractably (inˈtractably) adverb intractable in American English (ɪnˈtræktəbəl) adjective not tractable ; specif.,a. hard to manage; unruly or stubborn b. hard to work, manipulate, cure, treat, etc. Derived forms intractability (inˌtractaˈbility) noun or inˈtractableness intractably (inˈtractably) adverb Word origin L intractabilisExamples of 'intractable' in a sentenceintractable It had been judged wiser to keep our rendezvous location a secret lest any of the more intractable nobles sabotage our plans.England had been gripped by a series of particularly damaging and intractable strikes during the previous three years.I told myself that something should be done for the parish, but I knew the problems it presented were intractable.Though most previous Popes had feared denying Ferrante anything he asked for, Pope Alexander was intractable. In other languagesintractable British English: intractable ADJECTIVE Intractable people are very difficult to control or influence. What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents? - American English: intractable
- Brazilian Portuguese: intratável
- Chinese: > 难对付的人
- European Spanish: intratable
- French: irréductible
- German: unnachgiebig
- Italian: intrattabile
- Japanese: 頑固な
- Korean: 고집스러운
- European Portuguese: intratável
- Latin American Spanish: intratable
Definition (of a person) difficult to influence or direct How can we reduce the influence of intractable opponents? Synonyms difficult unruly uncontrollable incurable unmanageable stiff-necked bull-headed Definition (of a problem or illness) difficult to solve or cure The economy still faces intractable problems. Additional synonymsShe's got to an age where she's being awkward. Synonyms uncooperative, trying, difficult, annoying, unpredictable, unreasonable, stubborn, troublesome, perverse, prickly, exasperating, irritable, intractable, vexing, unhelpful, touchy, obstinate, obstructive, bloody-minded (British, informal), chippy (informal), vexatious, hard to handle, disobligingSynonyms stubborn, stupid, uncompromising, inflexible, wilful, tenacious, unyielding, obstinate, headstrong, stiff-necked, pig-headed, mulishDefinition quarrelsome or bad-tempered You're just a cantankerous so-and-so. Synonyms bad-tempered, contrary, perverse, irritable, crusty, grumpy, disagreeable, cranky (US, Canadian, Irish, informal), irascible, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, quarrelsome, waspish, grouchy (informal), arsey (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang), peevish, crabby, choleric, crotchety (informal), ill-humoured, liverish, captious, difficultNearby words ofintractable - intoxicating
- intoxication
- intractability
- intractable
- intransigent
- intrenched
- intrepid
Additional synonymsDefinition perverse Why must you always be so contrary? Synonyms perverse, difficult, awkward, wayward, intractable, wilful, obstinate, cussed (informal), stroppy (British, slang), cantankerous, disobliging, balky, unaccommodating, froward (archaic), thrawn (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), hostile, antagonistic, arsey (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang) Definition (esp. of children) easily upset and angered, often due to tiredness The children were predictably fractious. Synonyms irritable, cross, awkward, unruly, touchy, recalcitrant, petulant, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, chippy (informal), fretful, grouchy (informal), querulous, peevish, refractory, crabby, captious, froward (archaic), pettishDefinition determined to do something in one's own way and ignoring the advice of others He's very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath. Synonyms stubborn, wilful, obstinate, contrary, perverse, unruly, intractable, stiff-necked, ungovernable, self-willed, pig-headed, mulish, froward (archaic) Definition refusing to change one's attitude The worry is that the radicals will grow more intransigent. Synonyms uncompromising, intractable, tough, stubborn, hardline, tenacious, unyielding, obstinate, immovable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked, inflexible, unbudgeable Definition not to be persuaded The administration have been obdurate defenders of the status quo. Synonyms obstinate, firm, dogged, determined, fixed, iron, persistent, relentless, adamant, stubborn, intractable, inflexible, wilful, unrelenting, tenacious, inexorable, implacable, steadfast, unyielding, intransigent, immovable, headstrong, strong-minded, unbending, stiff-necked, unshakeable or unshakable, refractory, pig-headed, mulish, contumacious (literary), pertinacious, indurate (rare), proof against persuasion, unimpressible Definition keeping stubbornly to a particular opinion or course of action He is obstinate and determined and will not give up. Synonyms stubborn, dogged, determined, persistent, firm, perverse, intractable, inflexible, wilful, tenacious, recalcitrant, steadfast, unyielding, opinionated, intransigent, immovable, headstrong, unmanageable, cussed, strong-minded, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked, unshakable, self-willed, refractory, pig-headed, bull-headed, mulish, contumacious, pertinaciousDefinition noisy and difficult to control an awkward and obstreperous customer Synonyms unruly, disorderly, wild, rough, loud, noisy, out of control, turbulent, rampaging, out of hand, wayward, rowdy, raucous, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, boisterous, wilful, lawless, vociferous, fractious, riotous, tempestuous, unmanageable, undisciplined, stroppy (British, slang), rip-roaring (informal), mutinous, ungovernable, uproarious, clamorous, rambunctious (informal), rackety, insubordinate, roistering, roisterous Definition wayward or contrary You're just being perverse. Synonyms stubborn, contrary, unreasonable, dogged, contradictory, troublesome, rebellious, wayward, delinquent, intractable, wilful, unyielding, obstinate, intransigent, headstrong, unmanageable, cussed (informal), obdurate, stiff-necked, disobedient, wrong-headed, refractory, pig-headed, miscreant, mulish, cross-grained, contumaciousDefinition stupidly stubborn In her pig-headed way, she insisted that she was right. Synonyms stubborn, contrary, perverse, obstinate, stupid, dense, inflexible, wilful, unyielding, stiff-necked, wrong-headed, self-willed, bull-headed, mulish, cross-grained, froward (archaic) Definition stubborn or rebellious refractory priests who tried to side with the king Synonyms unmanageable, difficult, stubborn, contentious, perverse, unruly, uncontrollable, intractable, wilful, recalcitrant, obstinate, headstrong, cantankerous, uncooperative, stiff-necked, disobedient, disputatious, mulish, contumacious (literary) Additional synonymsDefinition stubbornly determined to have one's own way, esp. at the expense of others He was very independent and self-willed. Synonyms stubborn, wilful, headstrong, intractable, opinionated, obstinate, cussed (informal), stiff-necked, ungovernable, refractory, pig-headed, stubborn as a mule Definition persistent and determined He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way. Synonyms obstinate, dogged, inflexible, fixed, persistent, intractable, wilful, tenacious, recalcitrant, unyielding, headstrong, unmanageable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked, unshakeable, self-willed, refractory, pig-headed, bull-headed, mulish, cross-grained, contumaciousDefinition rigid or inflexible her unbending opposition to the old regime Synonyms inflexible, strict, rigid, firm, tough, severe, stubborn, hardline, uncompromising, resolute, intractable, unyieldingDefinition unable to be restrained or prevented The situation could become uncontrollable. Synonyms violent, wild, unruly, unmanageable, ungovernableDefinition not willing to help other people with what they are trying to do a bunch of stupid, cranky, uncooperative old fools Synonyms unhelpful, difficult, awkward, unreasonable, obstructive, unresponsive, cussed (informal), bloody-minded (British, informal), inconsiderate, unsupportive, disobliging, unaccommodating Definition behaving badly, with a lack of self-control a noisy and undisciplined group of students Synonyms uncontrolled, wild, unruly, wayward, wilful, unrestrained, disobedient, obstreperousDefinition (of a country or area) not able to be effectively governed, esp. because of unrest or violence The country has become ungovernable. Synonyms unruly, rebellious, unmanageable, refractoryDefinition difficult to control or organize It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children. Synonyms uncontrollable, wild, unmanageable, disorderly, turbulent, boisterous, rebellious, wayward, rowdy, intractable, wilful, lawless, fractious, riotous, headstrong, mutinous, disobedient, ungovernable, refractory, obstreperous, insubordinateDefinition remaining firm and determined his unyielding attitude on this subject Synonyms firm, tough, rigid, hardline, uncompromising, determined, relentless, adamant, stubborn, staunch, resolute, intractable, inflexible, inexorable, steadfast, obstinate, unwavering, immovable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-neckedDefinition erratic, selfish, or stubborn wayward children with a history of behavioural problems Synonyms erratic, unruly, wilful, unmanageable, disobedient, contrary, unpredictable, stubborn, perverse, rebellious, fickle, intractable, capricious, obstinate, headstrong, changeable, flighty, incorrigible, obdurate, ungovernable, self-willed, refractory, insubordinate, undependable, inconstant, mulish, cross-grained, contumacious (literary), froward (archaic) Additional synonymsDefinition lacking restraint or control The angry crowd became quite wild and agitated. Synonyms uncontrolled, violent, rough, disorderly, noisy, chaotic, turbulent, wayward, unruly, rowdy, boisterous, lawless, unfettered, unbridled, riotous, unrestrained, unmanageable, impetuous, undisciplined, ungovernable, self-willed, uproariousDefinition determined to do things in one's own way a selfish and wilful congressman Synonyms obstinate, dogged, determined, persistent, adamant, stubborn, perverse, uncompromising, intractable, inflexible, unyielding, intransigent, headstrong, obdurate, stiff-necked, self-willed, refractory, pig-headed, bull-headed, mulish, froward (archaic) |